Tag Archives: Syria


Government forces killed at least 36 people in operations in Damascus suburbs. The government said it had “cleansed” the area of terrorists; rebels called it a massacre. A large car bomb exploded in central Damascus near police headquarters. Turkey and Syria exchanged artillery fire for a fifth day.


Analysis: could Turkey’s decision to shell Syria mean intervention is on its way?


Rebels captured an air defense base and a supply of missiles. Government aircraft and artillery bombarded Homs, in the heaviest attack in months. Rebels claimed in a video that they would start executing 48 kidnapped Iranian pilgrims if demands are not met.


In Damascus, rebels killed 25 members of Syria’s elite Republican Guards. The Syrian army had launched an offensive in the area on Wednesday.


Four large suicide car bombs exploded in a government district of Aleppo. President Assad ordered 30,000 more troops into the battle for Aleppo. A regional peace initiative including Egypt, Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia appeared to be failing. Syrian state TV attacked Hamas’ leader and Egypt’s president for their support of the rebellion.


Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s Master of Iraq Chaos, Still Vexes the US


The US State Department said it believed a missing US journalist was being held by the Syrian government. Damascus saw renewed fighting. Iranian, UN, and NATO officials warned Syria not to use its chemical weapons against anti-government rebels.


Assad ordered killing of Muslim cleric to instigate civil war in Lebanon: leaked files


In Homs, government forces evicted thousands of residents and then demolished their homes. Fighting spread across the old section of Aleppo. Government forces shelled towns in the eastern suburbs of Damascus.


Tehran split over billions spent to support Assad’s regime


Syrian rebels’ backers block arms cache until bickering factions unite


Syria rebels practice patience in the fight for Damascus

Al Qaeda

Syria despatch: meeting Assad’s snipers as they fight rebels in Homs


After several days of fighting, a rebel offensive in the city of Aleppo made little progress against more heavily armed government forces. Government forces attacked rebels outside of Damascus.


Egypt’s president heads to Turkey to build emerging alliance of moderate Islamist governments


On the second day of their offensive in Aleppo, rebels unleashed artillery barrages against government positions. Government forces responded with air and artillery attacks. The government moved some of its chemical weapons for safekeeping. The US and France announced increased support for the rebels.


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Denmark – Syrian asylum seekers protest outside Swedish Embassy


Several thousand rebels fighters launched a “decisive attack” for control of the city of Aleppo. The Al Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the double suicide bombing of the Syrian Army headquarters in Damascus on Wednesday. More than 300 people died in Wednesday’s fighting.