Tag Archives: Syria


Rebels forces shot down a helicopter over Idib. Rebel acquisition of heavy weapons has forced government aircraft to bomb from higher altitudes. Heavy air attacks struck Idlib and Aleppo provinces.


Rebel military commanders agreed to set up a joint leadership. Rebel civilian leaders planned to meet Nov. 4 for a unity conference in Qatar. Government forces continue to bombard a strategic town captured by rebels last week; the town overlooks a main road between Damascus and Aleppo.

Turkish jihadists eulogize slain German al Qaeda leader

Islamic World, a Turkish jihadist magazine, said that Bekkay Harrach fought against Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, traveled to Iraq, where he was wounded, and was detained by Syrian security forces. Harrach also lived with Atiyah Abd al Rahman in Pakistan.


Syria’s crisis: No side looks set to win soon


Syria despatch: rebel fighters fear the growing influence of their ‘Bin Laden’ faction


Rebels claimed to have downed a Syrian air force jet. Syria and Turkey banned each others’ civilian flights over their territory. The ban came after Turkey intercepted a Syrian-bound plane that Turkey claimed carried munitions.


Rebels repelled a government counterattack against a strategic town in northern Syria. The town overlooks the road between Damascus and Aleppo and was captured by rebels earlier this week. Rebel forces captured 250 government soldiers. Government forces increased air and artillery strikes against Homs.


US, allies girding for worst-case scenario with Syria’s WMD


Rebels captured an air defense base near the northern city of Aleppo; the al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front participated in the attack. Rebel offensives across the country killed 100 government troops in two days.


Government forces failed to retake a strategic town captured by rebels earlier in the week. The town is on a main road between Damascus and Aleppo.


Interview with Vladimir Yakunin on Tensions Between Russia and West: ‘Russia and the West are drifting apart’


Iran aids Syria in tracking opposition via electronic surveillance, U.S. officials say


Rebels seized a strategic town on the highway between Damascus and Aleppo. The government rushed reinforcements to the area. British Foreign Secretary Hague said the situation in Syria continues to deteriorate with no end in sight.


In shifting Syria conflict, Assad assumes command of forces


The Al Nusra Front jihadist group carried out a complex attack on an intelligence agency compound in the capital, Damascus. Over 32,000 people have been killed since the Syrian uprising began 19 months ago.


Syrian businessmen flee with their money to Egypt, Gulf


Government forces increased bombardment of Homs while infantry advanced into the city center. Turkey and Syria continued cross-border shelling for a sixth day. Turkish President Erdogan warned that worst-case scenarios were being played out in Syria.