Tag Archives: Syria


The government continued its attack on rebel positions around Damascus. A Syrian Army tank fired shells into Turkey. A prominent foreign ministry spokesman defected. The UN said it was pulling out all its non-essential staff.

Al Qaeda

In Jordanian terror plot, officials see hand of resurgent al-Qaeda in Iraq


A year of strife hardens Syrian rebel brigade into fierce, Islamist fighters


Government forces continued to bombard rebel strongholds in the outskirts of Damascus. A car bomb killed at least 15 people in the city of Homs.


In Damascus, Tense Anticipation of Strongest Push Yet by Rebels


Flow of Arms to Syria Through Iraq Persists, to US Dismay

Al Qaeda

Inside Jabhat al Nusra – the most extreme wing of Syria’s struggle


NATO aims to repair Russia ties despite Patriot row


Government forces attacked rebel positions in the suburbs of Damascus. After a two-day outage, Internet service was restored to the country.


US Raises Pressure on Turkey Over Gold Trade With Iran


Syrian fighting rages as rebels push for Damascus breakthough


Militant leader in Syria seeks Islamic state, says his men do not fear death


Fighting continued around the Damascus airport. The government said the route to the airport had been reopened, but the airport remained closed. The Internet outage continued for a second day.


Without Iran’s support, Assad regime will collapse: report


Syrian rebels start using missiles


Heavy fighting raged around the Damascus airport. Road access to the airport was cut and flights were suspended. The government shut down Internet access to the country.


US Is Weighing Stronger Action in Syrian Conflict


Syria: Internet and mobile communication ‘cut off’


Two car bombs exploded in Damascus, killing at least 34 people. Rebels shot down a government jet, the second aircraft shot down in two days. The new opposition coalition held its first meeting to discuss forming a transitional government.


Syrian rebels struggle to keep regime Air Force on the ground


Government aircraft attacked towns in the north and east. In Aleppo, rebels used an antiaircraft missile to shoot down a military helicopter. Rebels attacked government forces outside of Damascus.


Rebels captured a strategic hydroelectric dam on the Euphrates river in northern Syria and a training camp for pro-regime Palestinians. Government aircraft, targeting a rebel headquarters near the Turkish border, hit a refugee area instead. Government aircraft bombed a school, killing 10 children.


Rebels captured an air base near Damascus, destroying several helicopters and capturing 15 soldiers. Rebels had captured three other military bases earlier in the week along with large quantities of equipment and ammunition.


Stalemate in Syria? Army short on loyalists, rebels short on guns