Tag Archives: Syria


US and Russian diplomats agreed to find a political solution for the Syrian conflict. Rebels in the northern city of Aleppo besieged a large government base.


Rebel leaders created a unified military command and elected an overall military leader. Syria’s foreign minister warned that rebels may use chemical weapons; the Al Nusrah Front captured a chemical factory in Aleppo earlier this week.


Syrian rebels elect new military commander


Intel chair warns US must act if Syria moves to use chemical weapons


Russia recalibrating position on Syria’s Assad


Noting the importance of the Damascus airport to the Assad regime, rebel forces declared it a “legitimate target” and continued their attempts to capture it. Government forces attacked rebel positions in Damascus suburbs to prevent rebel forces from encircling the city. The US and Russia agreed to mediation talks on the future of Syria.


US officials reported that Syrian government forces were preparing to use chemical weapons. Top US, Russian, and UN diplomats held an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. The US and European nations rushed to fund the newly-formed Syrian opposition coalition. Fighting intensified around Damascus.


Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs; military awaits Assad’s order


Syria: first state with WMDs to topple?


Jihadists make their presence felt in Syria’s Aleppo


Syrian army wears down as rebels gain territory and confidence


Rebel groups attempted to restructure their leadership across the country. US Secretary of State Clinton warned that the Assad regime might use chemical weapons.


In Syria, a fine line between Jihadists and opposition


A Rebel Fighter Sees Islamic Law In Syria’s Future


Assad Suffering Reversals in Fighting and Diplomacy


Heavy fighting continued in southern Damascus near the international airport. A mortar round hit a school near Damascus, killing 29 students.

Al Qaeda

Islamists and Secular Society Battle for Freedoms after Arab Spring