Tag Archives: Syria


Syria may hold uranium stash, Western and Israeli experts say


Pentagon weighs how to secure Syria’s chemical weapons


After months of fighting, rebels captured Taftanaz military airport, the largest in northern Syria. The attackers consisted mostly of jihadist fighters from the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar Al-Sham, and Islamic Vanguard groups.


Rebels, including jihadist groups Al Nusrah and Ahrar al-Sham, raided the strategic Taftanaz military airport in Idlib. Talks between the Assad regime and the UN broke down, as envoy Brahimi said he did not see President Assad being part of a transitional government. The foreign minister denounced Brahimi as “flagrantly biased.”


Syria’s Battle for the Airports


Syria’s rebels form their own secret police


A defector’s tale: Assad’s reluctant army


Rebels released 48 Iranian hostages in exchange for the release of 2,130 rebel prisoners held by the Assad regime. The Iranians were captured by the Free Syrian Army in early August and were suspected of belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.


Fighting between pro and anti regime factions within a Palestinian refugee camp flared up. Half of the camp’s 150,000 residents fled during fighting in mid-December. Government forces shelled rebel positions on the outskirts of Damascus.


Chemical Weapons Showdown With Syria Led to Rare Accord


Bashar al-Assad’s speech echoes Gaddafi’s final, desperate rallies


Morsy backs Syrian calls for al-Assad to face war crimes trial


President Assad in a public speech presented a plan for ending the country’s civil war. He also called his opponents “terrorists” and said he had no intention of leaving office. The opposition Syrian National Coalition, the EU, the UK, and Turkey rejected the plan.


Government artillery and aircraft bombarded rebel strongholds in the suburbs of Damascus. Fighting also raged south of the capital. The government claims it captured Mohamed al Zawahiri, brother of al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri.


A car bomb exploded at a crowded gas station in Damascus, killing 11 people. Government ground and air forces attacked rebel positions in Damascus. Hezbollah leader Nasrallah called for the Lebanese government to take a more active role in finding a solution to the Syrian conflict.


Syria military, rebels battle over two airports


Flow of Arms to Syria Through Iraq Persists, to US Dismay


Heavy fighting raged around Taftanaz military airport in northwest Syria. Hundreds of rebels attempted to storm the base but were repelled. Aleppo’s international airport remained under siege. Government forces attacked the rebel stronghold of Daraya in Damascus.


The UN reported that 60,000 people have been killed in the 22-month-long conflict, a sharp increase from previous reports; the UN also said more than 500,000 have fled the country including 84,000 in December alone. The Philippine-based operator for the port of Tartus pulled its workers out of Syria.


Fighting erupted around Aleppo’s international airport. Government aircraft attacked rebel positions in Damascus suburbs. Rebels blew up a natural gas pipeline feeding electricity plants and a fertilizer factory.


Unconfirmed reports claim heavy clashes between Syrian and Jordanian military forces occurred overnight near the Ramtha border crossing. The mutilated bodies of 30 people who had been tortured were found dumped in the Barzeh neighborhood of Damascus. Syrian forces are now conducting counterstrikes following their seizure of a contested neighborhood in Homs.


President Assad said he has no intention of stepping down from power. Government troops pushed rebel forces out of the Deir Baalbeh district of Homs. Afterward, 220 civilians were rounded up and executed.


Iran may be reconsidering position on Syria