Tag Archives: Syria


Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad


Bombing on Syria border may have targeted opposition leader

‘Islamist factions’ seize Syrian airbase

MIG-al-Jarrah-Aibase-overrun-jihadists.jpgA fighter from the Ahrar al Sham, a jihadist group in Syria, is heard saying on a video that the aircraft at the overrun al-Jarrah airbase “are now in the hands” of the group. The Al Nusrah Front also participated in the assault.


Iran, Hezbollah build militia networks in Syria in event that Assad falls, officials say


Syrian War Closes In on the Heart of Damascus


Islamist rebels captured the country’s largest hydroelectric dam. The government moved tanks to reenforce hard-pressed units in the eastern Jobar district of Damascus. The government said it was ready to meet with the leader of the opposition Syrian National Coalition.


Code Name ‘Murat’: What Germany Knew About Ankara Bomber


Will the al-Qaeda affiliates ousting Assad turn to Israel next?


Iran and Hezbollah build militia networks in Syria in event that Assad falls, officials say


Syria’s Druze Grapple With Jabhat al-Nusra


Government and rebel forces battled for the fifth day for control of a key highway in Damascus that connects the city with the country’s north. Rebels fought for control of a military base outside the city of Dei el-Zour, using tanks they had captured previously.


Government aircraft struck targets across Damascus. Fighting broke out in the town of Daraya and in the eastern district of Jobar. The Minister of Information said the government was open to dialogue with the opposition without any preconditions.


Syria: how jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra is taking over Syria’s revolution


Rebels continued to push forward in Damascus, fighting while government forces fought back in an effort to retake sections of the strategic ring road. The UN reported 5,000 refugees per day are fleeing Syria.


Inching closer to the center of Damascus, rebels overran government positions on a key road. Government forces responded with air and artillery attacks. After 16 days of fighting, government troops took control of the central town of Karnaz.