Tag Archives: Syria


Central Damascus was hit by a wave of car bomb and mortar attacks. A massive car bomb exploded near the ruling Ba’ath Party headquarters and Russian embassy, killing more than 50 people, including children. Within hours, two more bombs went off in the city and a mortar attack hit the army’s central command.


Saudi Arabia, Qatar press for more help to Syrian rebels


SNC Cites Hezbollah Role in Syria


Fighting between government and rebel forces ground on around Damascus and Aleppo airport. Arms shipments to the rebels slowed. President Assad declared: “We are sure we will win.” The rebel Syrian Free Army issued an ultimatum to Hezbollah to stop its attacks in Syria or face retaliation in south Lebanon.

Ex-Guantanamo detainee reportedly killed in Syria

Slimane-Hadj-Abderrahmane.jpgSlimane Hadj Abderrahmane, an ex-Gitmo detainee, has reportedly been killed while fighting in Syria. Abderrahmane was allegedly a member of an al Qaeda-linked group prior to his detention in late 2001. Authorities at Guantanamo deemed him a “high” risk to the US and its allies.


Russia’s double dealing on arms to Assad regime leaves UK isolated over Syria


Syria: Aleppo’s Civil Front Seeks To Prevent Islamic Rule


Government reinforcements arrived in Aleppo following rebel advances. “The army will not let Aleppo airport go without a big fight,” an observer said. Fighting erupted in southern Damascus as government forces attempted to drive rebels out of the capital. A SCUD missile attack killed 20 people. The EU approved sending UK civilian and military trainers […]


The EU amended sanctions on Syria to allow more nonlethal aid, but rejected easing the arms embargo. Rebels captured a government checkpoint near the strategically important Aleppo airport. In support of the Syrian government, Hezbollah attacked villages near the Lebanese border.


Syria’s Proxy Wars: In Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, the Specter of Conflict Looms


Syrian Kidnappings Raise Fear of Expanded Conflict


Hezbollah and Syrian rebels battled near Syria’s border with Lebanon. The clash showed the growing role for Hezbollah in Syria’s civil war.


Government troops bombarded the Golan bordering Israel. Rebels overran a base east of Aleppo airport and captured a large amount of ammunition. Druze clerics urged soldiers to defect from the Assad regime and join the opposition. Government forces kidnapped 300 people in northwestern Syria in retaliation for the abduction of 42 Shiites.


Assassination Will Not Weaken Iran’s Support for Assad


Syrian Rebels Claim Near Control of a Key Province


Syrian business exodus gains pace


Heavy fighting around Aleppo airport has killed 150 rebel and government troops in the last three days. The opposition said it would not negotiate with anyone in the government who had participated in the military crackdown. The foreign ministry accused Turkey of harboring al Qaeda terrorists.


Rebels shot down two military jets over Idlib province. The al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front seized a town in the oil-rich eastern province of Hasake. Government forces seized a key district in Homs after weeks of fighting. Protesting Lebanese blocked fuel shipments to Syria.


In a major engagement, government forces bombarded rebels in southeastern Damascus in an attempt to drive them out of the capital. The death toll has reached 70,000 in the two-year conflict. Qatar handed over Syria’s embassy to the opposition Syrian National Coalition.