Tag Archives: Syria


US-born former Army vet known as ‘The American’ fights alongside Al Qaeda


Syria opposition’s quest to form councils beset by infighting


Rebels in eastern Syria, including the al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front, set up a religious council to govern affairs. Attacks by government aircraft in Raqqa killed 14 people. Rebels attacked a key district in central Homs. The opposition Syrian National Coalition postponed a meeting to form a provisional government.


The Sunni jihadist group Al Nusrah Front and Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah clashed for the first time near the Lebanese-Syrian border. The 21 UN peacekeepers seized by rebel forces in the Golan heights four days ago were released. Russia said it would not pressure President Assad to resign.


Syrian Kurdish Militia Takes Over Oil Fields


Rebels consolidated their hold on the city of Raqqa. Government aircraft continued to bombard the city, sending thousands of refugees fleeing to Turkey. UN vehicles attempted to retrieve 21 UN peacekeepers seized by rebels near the Golan Heights but were stopped by Syrian army shelling.

Al Nusrah Front seizes control of Syrian city of Raqqah

Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria teamed up with the jihadist Ahrar al Sham Brigade to take control of the provincial capital. The jihadist alliance effectively controls most the Euphrates River Valley in Syria all the way to the Iraqi border. The Al Nusrah Front also carried out two suicide attacks in Homs.


Civil war leaves Syrian minorities stuck between brutal regime and fears of rebel Islamism


UN and Arab League officials began negotiating with Syrian rebels over their seizure of 21 UN peacekeeper in the Golan Heights. Government jets continued air raids against the city of Raqqa, captured by rebels two days ago.


US General Mattis said the US and regional allies are planning for potential stability operations in Syria in case the Assad regime collapsed. Some 20 UN peacekeepers on the Golan Heights were detained by 30 rebel fighters. The UK said it would provide armored vehicles, body armor, and rescue equipment to Syrian rebels but no […]


Syria’s violence continues its march across borders, into Iraq


Rebels battled to consolidate their hold in the provincial capital of Raqqa, and captured the provincial governor. President Assad said his regime was defeating the “conspiracy” against the country. The number of Syrian refuĀ­gees neared 1 million.


US, Saudis paper over differences on Syria, Iran during Kerry visit


Iraq accuses Qatar of financing jihadi groups in Syria


After weeks of battle, fighters from the al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front and others took control of the provincial capital of Reqqa in northern Syria, the first time an entire city has fallen. Government forces launched a major assault to recapture rebel-held areas in Homs. Rebels elected a civilian affairs council in Aleppo.


Rebels from the al Qaeda-linked Al Nusra Front and others overran a prison in northern Raqa province, releasing hundreds of prisoners. After a week of heavy fighting, rebels captured large parts of a police academy near Aleppo. Shiite fighters from Iraq and Lebanon joined Syrian Shiites defending a shrine south of Damascus.


Fighting seesawed across the country. Rebels and government troops traded fire along a critical front line in the Damascus suburb of Jawbar. Government troops captured a village near Homs, reopening a supply route to Aleppo. The al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front battled for control of the important northern city of Raqa.


Syrian Civilians Take Reins in Test of Self-Government


Can aid without weapons help resolve Syrian conflict?