Tag Archives: Sudan


Sudan’s Islamists need new blood: vice-president


President Bashir threatened retaliation against Israel for an Oct. 24 airstrike on a Sudanese arms warehouse, and said Israel remains “the number one enemy.” Israel accuses Sudan of serving as a conduit for Iranian arms flowing into Gaza. Two Iranian warships recently arrived in Sudan.


Sudan’s Iran Alliance Under Scrutiny


Sudan: the new battlefield in Iran and Israel’s covert conflict


Israeli jets bomb Sudan missile site in dry run for Iran attack


A munitions factory in Khartoum was destroyed by explosions. The Sudanese government accused Israel of destroying the factory with an air attack. Israeli officials refused to comment, but accused Sudan of aiding terrorism and transferring weapons to Hamas in Gaza with the help of Iran.


Sudan: a front for Israel’s proxy war on Sinai jihadis?


Training for Consulate Attacks, in Case There’s a Next Time


EXCLUSIVE: Senior al Qaeda figure ‘living in Libyan capital’


Sudan’s president meets Egyptian counterpart in Cairo, despite international arrest warrant


Fury over Mohammad video simmers on in Muslim world


Despite two International Criminal Court arrest warrants against him, President Omar al Bashir met with Egypt’s president Mohamed Morsi in Cairo. Germany pulled staff from its embassy in Khartoum, after a crowd of 5,000 protesters surged into the compound on Sept. 14, raised the Islamic flag, damaged the building and its contents, and set fires. […]

Al Qaeda

Tony Blair: ‘The West is asleep on the issue of Islamist extremism’

Bin Laden loyalist transferred from Guantanamo to Sudan

Ibrahim-Ahmed-Mahmoud-al-Qosi.jpgIbrahim al Qosi served Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda for years in a variety of capacities. Leaked and declassified files portray him as an experienced combat veteran who fought in Chechnya and Afghanistan. As a courier, he may have delivered money to the operatives who attempted to kill Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in 1995.


New evidence shows Sudan is dropping cluster munitions onto civilian areas