Tag Archives: Somalia


Seven Muslim insurgents and one policeman were killed during fighting in Mogadishu on Friday. A bombing that targeted two policemen purchasing khat wounded two civilians. Two delegates of the reconciliation congress were wounded in a grenade attack, while two Ethiopian soldiers were wounded in a string of grenade attacks.


Nine civilians and one policeman were wounded in multiple grenade attacks in Mogadishu. A district leader’s home was attacked, while two civilians were killed in an IED attack. The mayor of Mogadishu accused the Hawiye clan and HornAfrik Radio of inciting the insurgency.


A leading clan elder was killed in Mogadishu. Four police stations in Mogadishu have been attacked over the past week. Three police were wounded in an IED attack.


Overstretched Uganda bears brunt of AU mission in Somalia


Another day of clashes in Somalia’s dangerous capital leave 4 dead


Seventeen were killed and 16 wounded in IED and small-arms fire attacks in Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts killed two and wounded seven in an attack on a religious gathering in Galkayo. The Somali government is trying to create a Baghdad-style “Green Zone” in Mogadishu.


The Islamic Courts accused the government and the Ethiopian troops for the murder of two Horn Afrik journalists. Police arrested two suspects in the journalists’ deaths. Two civilians and a policeman were wounded in a grenade attack in Mogadishu.


Muslim insurgents killed three government officials north of Mogadishu. Two reporters were murdered during an IED attack and in a shooting.


Somali police detained four teachers and 25 students at an Islamic school, and two medical workers and three security guards at a hospital during raids in Mogadishu. The Bakara market has reopened. A grenade attack wounded nine, including two police.


The Youth Islamic Movement claimed responsibility for attacks in Mogadishu. Islamic Courts leader and al Qaeda operative Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys urged Somalis to “resist new colonialism.” Insurgents killed three police officers and four civilians during an attack on Somali police in the Bakara market.


Two civilians were killed and three policemen wounded in a grenade attack in Mogadishu. Somali and Ethiopian forces launched an operation to prevent rocket and mortar attacks against the reconciliation conference. The violent Bakara market in Mogadishu will be reopened.


The reconciliation conference was mortared by Islamist insurgents; the rounds missed the conference but killed five youths playing soccer. Seven somali troops were wounded in an IED attack in Afgoie. The African Union will expand its peacekeeping mission.


The reconciliation conference has been postponed until Thursday to allow more delegates to arrive. The conference came under a mortar attack on Sunday; seven rockets landed near the conference center. Two bombings in Mogadishu killed four and wounded three.


Al Shabaab insurgents (formerly Islamic Courts) threatened to derail the peace conference. Three were killed and 13 wounded in a series of bombings in Mogadishu. An Ethiopian army truck was hit with an IED.


Four insurgent bombings killed two civilians in Mogadishu’s Bakara market. Five police, including a commander, were killed in an attack on a police stations south of the capital. Somali troops arrested 40 worshippers at a mosque while another five were wounded in a hand grenade attack south of Mogadishu.


The Bakara market, the scene of much fighting between Somali troops and Islamic Courts fighters, has been closed and searches are ongoing. The leader of the Hawiye clan, which supports the Islamic Courts, has agreed to attend the national reconciliation meeting.


Ethiopian and Somali troops are conducting a major operation in the Bakara market in Mogadishu. Insurgents attempted to assassinate the mayor of Mogadishu and the justice minister. Three Somali soldiers were wounded in an attack on a police station south of the capital.


The son of the deputy chairman of the Islamic Courts and leader of the insurgency was killed by police in Mogadishu. Islamic Courts fighters attacked a police checkpoint in the capital. A female suicide bomber was captured in Baidoa.


Two Somali soldiers were killed in an IED attack, while another strike hit an Ethiopian convoy in Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts refused to participate in the upcoming National Reconciliation Conference.


The Minister of Trade escaped an IED attack; five of his guards were wounded. An IED attack at a mosque in Mogadishu’s Bakara market killed five civilians, including women and children.


Secret SAS mission to Somalia uncovers British terror cells


Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of the Islamic Courts, stated it makes no difference if Ethiopian troops or Ugandan troops are killed. Al Qaeda fought against government troops on Friday in Kismayo. Seven bombs exploded in Mogadishu as the city remained under curfew. Up to four terror cells in the United Kingdom were disrupted […]


Five were killed during a battle between police and insurgents in Mogadishu’s Baraka market. A curfew has been imposed in the capital. Uganda troops destroyed a large weapons cache abandoned by the Islamic Courts.


U.S. attack aircraft continue to hunt al Qaeda in Puntlant, according to the security minister. The reconciliation conference which was to be held on June 14 has been postponed for 30 days.


Security forces arrested 15 members of the al Qaeda linked Shabaab, which is run by Aden Hashi Ayro. The militia formerly run by Islamic Courts senior leader Yusuf Mohamed Indaadde took control of towns in the lower Shabelle region after battling government troops. Ethiopian and TFG troops continue to clear Mogadishu, while an IED hit […]