Tag Archives: Somalia


Sheikh Sharif Ahmed stepped down as the leader of the Islamic Courts. Heavy fighting was reported in Mogadishu after Shabaab attacked Somali and Ethiopian army posts. The Islamic Courts banned weapons in Kismayo.


Shabaab stoned a 13-year-old girl to death after she was raped. Six French aid workers have been kidnapped in the town of Dhusomarebn. A Somali soldier was killed in an attack in Mogadishu.


General David Petraeus plans more border raids


Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the former leader of the Islamic Courts and current leader of the Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia, returned to Jowhar after sheltering in Eritrea. Somali troops arrested a cleric in Mogadishu who is accused of being a member of Shabaab. Two Ethiopian soldiers were killed in a gunfight in Mogadishu.


Islamist leaders are up in arms over a fatwa issued by influential clerics. Somali forces detained a prominent cleric in Mogadishu. Shabaab is funding militias in Kenya. NATO ships are moving to rescue the hijacked Turkish freighter.


US Official: Somalia Homicide Bombings Facilitated by Al Qaeda


Somaliland officials said the suicide bombers that struck on Oct. 29 were from Mogadishu. An Islamic cleric was arrested after the attack. Six Somalis were wounded in an explosion in Baidoa. Pirates hijacked a Turkish freighter.


Five suicide bombers struck four compounds in the northern Somali, killing 28 and wounding scores. Three suicide car bombers struck the presidential palace, the UN Development Program compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in the city of Hargeisa in Somaliland. Two bombers targeted an intelligence facility in the city of Bosasso in Puntland. Four Ethiopian soldiers […]

Five suicide bombers strike in northern Somalia

The coordinated attacks hit the presidential palace, a UN compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in Somaliland, and an intelligence headquarters in Puntland. The attacks were carried out by Shabaab, an al Qaeda-linked terror group.


Shabaab spokesman Muktar Robow said Ethiopia “must admit defeat” and rejected the Djibouti peace agreement. An Ethiopia spokesman said his country would withdraw when the security vacuum is filled. An IED attack killed several soldiers and regional administrators in Merca.


The Somali military claimed to have retaken a series of towns in the Bakool region from Shabaab. An Ethiopian and Somali convoy was ambushed by Shabaab in the Bay region. A Somali female aid worker was murdered in Gurilel.


Kenya Govt dismisses Somali Islamists attack threat


The Islamic courts have taken control of Burdhubo and have declared a curfew in Jowhar. A leader of the Hawiye clan said Shabaab has lifted a ban on humanitarian organizations providing aid. A NATO anti-piracy force is just days from reaching region.


Fighting broke out between Shabaab and the Islamic Courts in the town of Balad; Islamic Courts fighters fled the town after the clash. Four Somalis were killed in the Islamic Courts-controlled town of Abudwaq. A United Nation employee was killed in Hudur; he is the second UN employee killed since Oct. 18.


Somali Pirates Release Thai Ship After Receiving Ransom


Twenty Ethiopian soldiers, 10 Somali troops, and 10 civilians were killed in attacks in Baidoa. Fourteen people were killed in heavy fighting in Mogadishu. The chief of Somali forces ordered his troops to stop responding to mortar attacks with artillery. The UN announced the third round of talks between the government and insurgent groups.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda possibly behind piracy in Gulf of Aden: official says


Al Qaeda leader Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and Shabaab military commander Sheikh Mukhtar Robow are seen on a videotape training terrorists with AK-47s, RPGs, and anti-tank weapons while English-speaking recruits say they are training for a “global mission.” Two Somalis were killed in mortar exchanges in Mogadishu. Somali forces freed a Panama ship from pirates.


Shabaab executed a militia leader in Kismayo. Sixteen people were killed in fighting in southern Somalia. The leader of the Organization of the Islamic Conference met with Islamic Courts leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmad.


Puntland soldiers and pirates clashed over a Somali ship. Shabaab hit an Ethiopian convoy outside of Mogadishu with an IED attack. The Hawiye clan spokesman held negotiations with Shabaab over death threats to clan leaders. More than 400 Burundian soldiers arrived in Mogadishu via air.


Mystery "Death Ship" Released From Somalian Pirates


Unknown aircraft bombed an Islamic COurts stronghold in the town of Goofgaduud. Shabaab may lift the Mogadishu airport flight ban. NATO will send warships to protect shipping from Somali pirates. The Kenyan Army will train up to 10,000 Somali troops.