Tag Archives: Somalia


Six people were killed in Mogadishu during clashes between government troops and Shabaab fighters. Shabaab claimed to have torched an African Union tank; the AU denied the report. The driver and a bodyguard for the provincial governor of Bari were killed in an IED attack.


Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a said the alliance with the transitional government has collapsed. Shabaab executed a man accused of blasphemy in Hudur. Hizbul Islam banned Somalia’s Independence Day celebrations; Shabelle has boycotted the ban.


In a videotape titled “The African Crusaders,” Shabaab claimed to be close to controlling all of southern Somalia. More than 20 people were killed over the past two days during fighting in Mogadishu.

Bruce Hoffman on the fight against al Qaeda

This is a little late as Hoffman’s article is from April, but his take on the US’ strategy, or lack thereof, to deal with al Qaeda and allied Islamist terror groups, is a must read. There are far too many points made in the article to list here, so read the whole thing. Two items […]


Ten people were killed and 15 more were wounded in heavy fighting between Shabaab and government forces in the capital of Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed it defeated government forces in northern Mogadishu.


Government troops clashed over the collection of ‘taxes’ at a checkpoint between Mogadishu and Afgoi. A civilian was killed in mortar fire exchanges in Mogadishu. Pirates hijacked a chemical tanker and took 19 Chinese sailors captive.


Hizbul Islam claimed it defeated the forces of the pro-government forces of the Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a in Mogadishu. The government and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a are prepared to retake control of the south from Shabaab and Hizbul Islam.


Eight people were killed in Mogadishu during clashes between Hizbul Islam and government forces. Three people were killed in an IED attack in Bosaso in Puntland. Shabaab leader Sheikh Muktar Abdirahman Abu Zubeyr released an audiotape.


Ten people were killed and 20 more were wounded during clashes in Mogadishu between rivals Hizbul Islam and Shabaab. Hizbul Islam ordered men to grow beards and women to wear the veil. “Anyone who is caught defying the order will be punished,” the group said in a statement played on several radio stations.


A minister claimed that Hizbul Islam is in negotiations with the government. Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said his forces conceded Beledweyne to avoid a confrontation with Shabaab. Soldiers stormed the presidential palace to protest not being paid.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula called for tribes in Marib province to fight the government and threatened to retaliate for airstrikes against its members. “Allah willing, we will light up the ground with fire under the tyrants of infidelity in the regime of [President] Ali Saleh and his helpers, the agents of America,” the […]


Hizbul Islam leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys denied that factions of his group have defected and joined rival Shabaab. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a appointed a new military commander.


A faction of the Hizbul Islam based in the town of Beledweyne has merged with Shabaab. “We are hereby declaring our resolve to unite with our fellow jihadists (holy warriors) in this strategic Hiran region,” Sheikh Abdulkadir Haji Ahmed told a crowd.


Hizbul Islam killed two World Cup soccer fans and detained 10 more in Mogadishu, and detained 30 more in Afgoye. Four Shabaab fighters were detained in the semi-autonomous region of Somaliland.


Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a ordered a nighttime curfew in Guri El after an attack on a leader’s home on June 12. Shabaab ordered people in Kismayo not to watch the World Cup soccer match.


In Mogadishu, 10 people were killed in fighting between soldiers and policemen over food distribution. Shabaab has taken control of Beledweyne. Islamists assassinated a judge in Puntland and attacked the home of a leader of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a.


The pro-government Ahlu Sunna Wal-Jamma’a claimed it killed four Shabaab fighters and captured one more in Dhusamareb. Pirates released a British-flagged tanker and its crew of eight. The European Union™s Indian Ocean naval task force claimed to have destroyed 25 pirate “action groups” this year.


Shabaab released a videotape of captive French security official Denis Allex, who was kidnapped in Mogadishu last summer. Shabaab demanded the release of several prisoners in exchange for Allex, but did not threaten to kill him.

Video: Shabaab releases tape of French hostage

Shabaab has released a video of Denis Allex, one of two French security personnel kidnapped by the group from a hotel in Mogadishu last year. From Reuters: In the video, Allex repeats those demands and says the group will issue a list of names of prisoners it wants released. He says the defeat of President […]