Tag Archives: Somalia

Is al Qaeda racist?

Those familiar with the inner workings of jihadi circles will know that racism is in fact prevalent within al Qaeda’s ranks. But that makes the administration’s new line of rhetorical attack against the terrorist group — that it shows a disregard for African life — no less absurd. Jake Tapper reports: In an interview earlier […]


Burundi said it would remain in Somalia despite Shabaab’s threats to carry out attacks int he country. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed in Hiran just three days after their leaders met to discuss joining ranks. Hizbul Islam detained 10 people in Elasha.

Shabaab suspected of carrying out bombings in Uganda

Sixty-four people were killed in bombings at two restaurants while watching the World Cup final soccer match in Uganda’s capital of Kampala, raising fears that the al Qaeda-linked, Somalia-based Shabaab carried out the attacks. Al Jazeera has a very good article on the attack and the background, a portion of which is excerpted here: “These […]


Shabaab detained more than 100 young Somalis as part of their efforts to press civilians to fight for them. Three security personnel were killed in an IED attack in Bosaso. Kenya has deployed more troops along the Somali border and has closed two crossing points.

Al Qaeda

Under threat of violence, Somalians play soccer — or watch — at their peril


Fifteen Somalis were killed by Ethiopian forces in the west, local elders claimed. Two men were killed in a grenade attack in Mogadishu as they were watching the World Cup. President Sharif is concerned about the growing number of foreign fighters in the country.


Kenya’s foreign minister said Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani fighters are based in Somalia. Shabaab urged attacks against the diplomatic missions of Uganda and Burundi. Shabaab fighters and Burundian troops clashed in Mogadishu.


The government claimed it killed two “foreign trainers” for Shabaab in Hiran; their nationalities were not disclosed. One person was killed in a blast at a Hizbul Islam headquarters near Mogadishu. Shabaab is compelling civilians to fight against the government and African Union forces in Mogadishu.


The spiritual leader of Shabaab threatened to retaliate against Uganda and Burundi for providing troops to back the transitional government. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam are said to be reinforcing their positions in a district in Mogadishu after clashes between the two groups. Somali and Ethiopian troops are said to be preparing to take control of […]


Two Shabaab fighters and six Hizbul Islam fighters were killed during infighting in Mogadishu. Fifteen people were killed in fighting between government forces and Shabaab in the capital. African nations pledged to send an additional 2,000 troops to Somalia.


Five Somalis were killed and three more were wounded in an IED attack in Mogadishu that targeted the finance minister. Two Ugandan soldiers were killed during fighting with Shabaab in Mogadishu.


The government claimed its forces took control of the Shibis district north of Mogadishu after five days of fighting. Shabaab named Sheikh Abdiziz Abu Ayub as its spokesman for military operations in Mogadishu.


Six people were killed in Mogadishu during clashes between government troops and Shabaab fighters. Shabaab claimed to have torched an African Union tank; the AU denied the report. The driver and a bodyguard for the provincial governor of Bari were killed in an IED attack.


Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a said the alliance with the transitional government has collapsed. Shabaab executed a man accused of blasphemy in Hudur. Hizbul Islam banned Somalia’s Independence Day celebrations; Shabelle has boycotted the ban.


In a videotape titled “The African Crusaders,” Shabaab claimed to be close to controlling all of southern Somalia. More than 20 people were killed over the past two days during fighting in Mogadishu.

Bruce Hoffman on the fight against al Qaeda

This is a little late as Hoffman’s article is from April, but his take on the US’ strategy, or lack thereof, to deal with al Qaeda and allied Islamist terror groups, is a must read. There are far too many points made in the article to list here, so read the whole thing. Two items […]


Ten people were killed and 15 more were wounded in heavy fighting between Shabaab and government forces in the capital of Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed it defeated government forces in northern Mogadishu.


Government troops clashed over the collection of ‘taxes’ at a checkpoint between Mogadishu and Afgoi. A civilian was killed in mortar fire exchanges in Mogadishu. Pirates hijacked a chemical tanker and took 19 Chinese sailors captive.