Tag Archives: Somalia


Hotel Suicide Bomber Linked to al-Shabab’s Senior Leader


Where does Somalia’s Al Shabab suicide attack leave the government?


Shabaab took credit for yesterday’s suicide assault on a hotel in Mogadishu that killed more than 30 people, including seven members of parliament. Hundreds of Ugandan troops have arrived in Mogadishu to boost the African Union forces.

Shabaab: from Mogadishu to Minnesota

Since last year’s reports of “more than twenty” Somali youths from Minnesota going missing, all presumed to have been recruited to fight in Somalia alongside the al Qaeda-linked Shabaab, several new cases involving other Somali-Americans providing assistance to or attempting to join the terrorist organization have kept the counterterrorism community on edge. Indictments, superseding indictments, […]


A Shabaab suicide assault team killed 28 people, including 6 lawmakers and five soldiers, in an attack on a hotel in Mogadishu. Twenty-five people were killed in clashes between government forces and Islamist fighters in Mogadishu. Shabaab took control of a radio station in the capital.

Al Qaeda

In Kenya’s capital, Somali immigrant neighborhood is incubator for jihad


Ten Shabaab fighters, including three Pakistanis, two Indians, an Afghan, and an Algerian, were killed in an explosion at a safe house in Mogadishu. Three people were killed in fighting in Puntland between Shabaab and security forces. Shabaab burned 500 bags of grain stored at a World Food Program warehouse.


Three Hizbul Islam fighters, two soldiers, and two civilians were killed during clashes in Mogadishu. Three civilians at a refugee camp in Mogadishu were killed in a mortar exchange. Hizbul Islam imposed a curfew in Afgoi.


Fifteen people were killed during clashes between Hizbul Islam and government forces in Mogadishu. The new mayor of Mogadishu said NGOs are enemies of Somalia as they are spreading false reports about the security situation.


South Africa may send peacekeepers to join African Union forces in Mogadishu. The pro-Islamist Hawiye clan condemned the assassination of a member of a peace council and requested that Hizbul Islam find the murderer.


Eighteen people were killed in renewed fighting between Shabaab and Puntland forces in Bari. Five people were killed at a refugee camp in Mogadishu. Ethiopia said it may send forces to Mogadishu if African Union forces needed assistance.


Shabaab banned three Christian aid agencies from operating in Somalia for “acting as missionaries under the guise of humanitarian work.” A member of parliament denounced the attack on Shabaab fighters in Puntland. The UN plans to return to Somalia in two months, after leaving the country 17 years ago.


Fighting between Puntland security forces and Shabaab forces led by Sheikh Mohamed Said Atom in Galgala resulted in 11 Shabaab and three soldiers killed. Puntland claimed to have defeated Shabaab in the mountainous region. The Somali government sent weapons to the semi-autonomous government of Puntland.


A commander of Somali troops claimed his forces killed 21 Islamist fighters in an attack on training camps along the border with Ethiopia on Thursday. The commander said eight Somali soldiers were killed during the fighting.

US indicts 14 people for supporting Shabaab

Just one day after a Chicago man was arrested for attempting to travel to Somalia to assist the al Qaeda-aligned terror group Shabaab, the FBI has unsealed four indictments announcing arrests and charges against more than a dozen Somali-Americans for raising funds for the group. Among those arrested are two women, Amina Farah and Hawo […]