Tag Archives: Somalia


Shabaab claimed credit for a suicide attack in Mogadishu that killed eight people. The African Union said six foreign al Qaeda fighters were killed during heavy fighting over the past several days in Mogadishu that has killed more than 20 people.


Shabaab held a ceremony for hundreds of fighters who completed their military training. Pirates kidnapped four Americans. A US court sentenced a pirate to 33 years in jail.


Government forces killed four anti-Shabaab demonstrators in Mogadishu while opening fire to disperse the crowd. Seven people were killed during fighting in Delow between Shabaab and government forces. Shabaab replaced Sheikh Ali Dhere, its spokesman in Mogadishu, with Sheikh Mohamed Hassan Omar Abu Rahman.


Three people were killed in a bombing in Mogadishu. Hundreds of Somalis held anti-Shabaab demonstrations in Mogadishu. A Danish warship captured a pirate mothership off the coast of Somalia.


A senior Shabaab official said that primary and secondary schools in lower Shabelle province must teach “jihad.” Police displayed two captive Shabaab fighters to the media.


Eleven people were killed in fighting between Shabaab and Somali forces in Mogadishu. The prime minister said the military should prepare for an offensive to wipe out Shabaab. More than 15 Somaliland troops defected to Puntland after a “clan massacre” that killed 87 people.


Eighty-seven people were killed during fighting between Somaliland forces and local clans in Kalshale village in Puntland. Three people were killed in Mogadishu during fighting between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces.


Ten people were killed during clashes between government forces and clans in Buhodle in Somaliland. Shabaab chopped off the hand of a teenage boy for stealing. A Shabaab leader said government workers and African Union troops should be killed.


The US Embassy in Nairobi condemned the Somali parliament’s extension of the Transitional Federal Government. Two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. A Somali official accused the World Food Program of selling aid to the hungry.


Five people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Alhu Sunnah Wal Jama’a in Guriel. Shabaab executed a teen-aged boy in Mudug. The government denied Shabaab claims that soldiers are removing women’s niqabs.

Al Qaeda

WikiLeaks cables: British Muslims travelling to Somalia for ‘jihadi tourism’


Pirates based in Garad in Puntland have “relocated to Hobyo and El Dhanane.” Three people were killed during infighting between Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a forces in Guriel. US diplomats warned Eritrea not to back Shabaab, according to a 2009 memo.


German shipowners turn to mercenaries to protect against pirates


Shabaab vowed to avenge the death of 20 Somalis killed yesterday during fighting among Somali troops. Puntland’s security minister said Somaliland is attempting to provoke a war.

Shabaab executes deputy intel chief for ‘spying’ for US

Shabaab executed the group’s deputy intelligence chief yesterday after accusing him of spying for the US. Sunatimes.com has the story: Somalia’s extremist group of Al Shabaab has executed their intelligence chief’s deputy, accusing him of spying for FBI amid mounting disputes to suppress civilian harassments between the group’s leaders.. Ahmed Ali Hussein, known as Ahmed […]


Twenty people were killed in Mogadishu after Somali soldiers opened fire on each other. Shabaab executed their deputy intelligence chief after accusing him of being a “US spy.”


Ten people were killed in fighting between government forces and Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu. A young man was killed in an explosion outside a stadium in the capital. The African Union is seeking to change its peacekeeping mandate to one that will allow it to go on the offensive.


Sheikh Mukhtar Abdurrahman Abu Zubeyr, Shabaab’s spiritual leader, called for fighters in the south to obey Shariah law and not oppress those living under their control. The African Union arrested soldiers who opened fire on civilians in Mogadishu.


Shabaab claimed victory over government and African Union forces in Mogadishu. A militia in Beledweyne claimed it killed five Shabaab fighters in an ambush. The UN said the Transitional Federal Government’s mandate ends in August.


Ten people were killed during yesterday’s fighting between Shabaab and the Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a near Guri El. A senior prosecutor in Galkayo was gunned down.