Tag Archives: Somalia


Shabaab claimed it defeated government forces in Beletweyne and took control of a military base. Shabaab denied it lost control of several of its bases in Mogadishu.


Ten people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Two people were killed after police forces battled amongst themselves in Mogadishu. Five Shabaab fighters died in a premature detonation in Lanto Buro. Shabaab’s leadership in Kismayo called on young men to fight the government in Mogadishu.


Somalia’s prime minister warned that Shabaab may attempt to use oil tankers in a Sept. 11-styled attack. The United Nations Security Council urged the international community to increase funding for African Union forces in Somalia.


Pirates killed five Puntland troops during a failed attempt to free a captive Danish family. Twelve people were killed in fighting in Galgudud. Thirty Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu defected.


Somali troops took control of Rabdhure and El Waq; four Shabaab fighters were reported to have been killed during the fighting, Puntland police arrested four suspected Shabaab operatives, including the brother of Sheikh Mohamed Atom, in Galkayo.


The defense minister claimed Omar Hammami, an American Shabaab leader, was killed. President Ahmed fired four senior security officials; Shabaab cited the dismissals as evidence the government is failing in its offensive. Ethiopian troops have joined a pro-government militia in the village of Berhuteye.


Hostage oversupply in Somalia? Pirates negotiate better deals to free up space


Shabaab withdrew its forces from the Gedo region after Ethiopian soldiers helped eject Shabaab from Bala Hawo. Shabaab killed two Somali soldiers and executed two men who worked for the government in Mogadishu.


Alhu Sunnah Wal Jama’a took control of Bula Hawa from Shabaab and captured 48 prisoners; 25 people were reported killed during the fighting. Twenty-one people were killed during heavy fighting between Shabaab and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu.


Norwegian trade and industry minister talks tough on pirates


Al Qaeda and Shabaab have established a Taliban-like regime in Mogadishu’s suburb of Qobdoro. Shabaab is deploying more fighters from the Bay and Bakool areas to Mogadishu. Hassan Dahir Aweys vowed to continue to wage jihad against Somali and African Union forces.


Fifty-three African Union peacekeepers have been killed during heavy fighting with Shabaab in Mogadishu over the past two weeks. Most (43) are from Burundi, which has suppressed the casualties. The other 10 are from Uganda.


Somali soldiers have used the Kenyan town of Mandera as a base to attack Shabaab in the south. Madagascar security forces captured a Somali pirate mothership. The government closed Radio-Kulmiye for interviewing disgruntled former Shabaab fighters.


Shabaab beat 47 people in Masagawa for violating its strict code of sharia. Shabaab’s leader threatened Burundi troops and called for them to withdraw from Mogadishu. Kenya closed its border with Somalia.


Thirty-six people were killed during fighting between Somali forces and Shabaab fighters in Bula Hawo. Top Shabaab leaders Muktar Robow and Sheikh Fu’ad Shongole are attempting to recruit former Somali army officers to join Shabaab’s ranks.


The Burundian military claimed that 80 Shabaab fighters and seven Burundian troops have been killed over the past several days during fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab established an immigration and customs office in Baidoa.


The Somali government said 49 civilian were among 115 people killed during heavy fighting in Mogadishu. The African Union claimed 60 Shabaab fighters have been killed. Shabaab threatened to attack Kenya as the country trains Somali forces.


Forty-eight people were killed in heavy fighting between Somali forces and Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu. Shabaab is pressing young men to fight in Jowhar. President Sharif said the government has defeated Shabaab.


The African Union claimed it seized three Shabaab strongholds in Mogadishu. The Somali prime minister claimed Shabaab leaders have fled Mogadishu. Fighting between Shabaab and Somali forces has been reported in Beledweyne.


Fourteen Shabaab fighters and 10 African Union fighters are reported to have been killed during heavy fighting in Mogadishu. Shabaab also captured a Burundian soldier and paraded the bodies of five African Union troops in the streets

Somali pirates kill 4 US citizens

Earlier today, Somali pirates murdered four US citizens who were being held hostage as negotiations for their release were underway. Vice Admiral Mark Fox, the commander of Central Command’s naval forces, briefed the media on what is currently known about the murders. The Somali pirates executed the four US civilians after opening fire on a […]