Tag Archives: Somalia

Al Qaeda

MI5 and police reduce UK terror threat from ‘severe’ to ‘substantial’


The UN’s high commissioner for refugees said that aid agencies should work with Shabaab to distribute food to those in need. Two people were killed as Somali soldiers fought amongst themselves in Mogadishu.


Shabaab ‘s former district commander of Dhobley was wounded while clashing with other Shabaab fighters. Shabaab is stopping people from leaving drought-affected regions and banned khat in the south.


Senior Shabaab leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys called on Arab countries to help Somalis afflicted by the drought. Kenyan police arrested six Somali clerics at a refugee camp in Dhagahley.


Somali soldiers killed two civilians in Mogadishu. A prominent clan elder was beheaded in central Somalia. Police captured 10 suspected Shabaab fighters in the capital.


UN refugee agency warns of crisis ‘of unimaginable proportions’ in Somalia drought


An Afghan who served as a senior Shabaab commander may have been killed in last month’s Predator strike near Kismayo. Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu are blocking humanitarian aid from reaching drought-affected Somalis. Shabaab fighters killed one boy while opening fire on a group of soccer players.

Alleged Shabaab operative to stand trial in New York

A Somali man named Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was transferred to New York where he will stand trial for allegedly providing material support to both Shabaab and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The unsealed indictment in his case follows a series of reports connecting Shabaab to AQAP.


AMISOM said 3,000 new troops from Uganda have arrived in Mogadishu, and said the US is providing military aid to the African Union. Aircraft have been spotted hovering over Kismayo.


Last week’s airstrikes that targeted Shabaab camps outside of Kismayo were carried out by US Predators. Security forces captured five Shabaab fighters in Gedo.

Al Qaeda

US drone targets two leaders of Somali group allied with al-Qaeda, official says


Shabaab sent 76 fighters to Yemen to aid al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Fifteen people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces in Garbaharey.


Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, a Somali-American, was named the new prime minister of Somalia. Shabaab beheaded two civilians in Puntland. Two soldiers were killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu.


Government officials blame Shabaab for executing and beheading two Puntland soliders in the village of Yalho, south of Bosaso. Shabaab is rounding up “US spies” in Kismayo after an airstrike on training camps near the southern city.


A Shabaab official and local residents claimed that helicopters attacked two military camps in Qandal just outside of Kismayo. Two Shabaab fighters were killed; “foreign fighters” were reported to be training at the camps.


Soldiers killed a man in Dharkenley who was thought to have been planting an IED. A senior Shabaab official was killed during recent fighting in Beletweyne. The pro-government Ahlu Sunnah Wal Ja’ama shut down a radio station.


Three people were killed during fighting in Luq. Hundreds of Somalis gathered in Mogadishu to support the killing of al Qaeda leader Fazul Mohammed.