Tag Archives: Somalia


Famine in Africa: inside Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp


Government forces prevented aid workers from entering Shabaab-held areas south of the capital. Shabaab reportedly took heavy losses during recent fighting in El Waq.


Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali called for the UN Security Council to send an additional 3,000 troops. Shabaab denied it was behind the kidnapping of a Briton in Kenya.


Three Terrorist Groups in Africa Pose Threat to US, American Commander Says


Three people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and a pro-government militia in Dhusamareb. Somali troops arrested three Turkish and 11 Somali aid workers after returning from an area administered by Shabaab.


Twenty-six people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces yesterday in El Waq in southern Somalia. Two civilians were killed in an IED attack in Guriel.


Fourteen people were killed during clashes between government forces and Shabaab fighters in El Waq. Shbaab took control of the district but later withdrew.


Four people were killed in a bombing at the second largest market in Mogadishu. A Shabaab official called journalists from Shabelle, Radio Mogadishu, VOA and BBC “apostates.”


Somalia’s prime minister said the government is willing to negotiate with Shabaab. A Somali soldier killed six civilians who sought food aid in Somalia.


Officials from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland captured 18 Shabaab fighters in Galkayo. Shabaab and government forces clashed in Luq.


Three people were killed in artillery attacks in Mogadishu. Two Kenyan soldiers have been declared missing in action after accidentally entering Somalia in late July.


Shabaab beheaded two young men in Mogadishu. Malaysia ordered the evacuation of its aid workers after a reporter was killed by African Union troops.

Al Qaeda

Somalis fear tyranny of al-Shabaab as they flee drought-stricken areas


“Gunmen” killed five people in an ambush in Jowhar. Shabaab arrested four people in connection with the murder of a Red Cross worker in Baidoa, and imposed a curfew in Afgoye. Puntland said it is expelling more than 1,700 “foreigners,” most of whom are Pakistanis and Ethiopians.

United States

‘Top Secret America’: A look at the military’s Joint Special Operations Command