Tag Archives: Somalia


Eritrea denied reports that it is sending aircraft loaded with weapons to Shabaab forces fighting Kenyan troops in the south. Elders from the Eyr clan denied claims that it sent young men to fight for Shabaab.


Islamabad’s impulsiveness distancing Afghans: Gulbudin Hekmatyar


Some Aid Trickles Into Somalia, Surrounded by Death and Disease


Kenya warned Somalis in 10 southern towns to expect heavy fighting. Ethiopian troops crossed the border and entered the Galgudud area. An American and a Danish aid worker are thought to have been moved to Shabaab-controlled areas in Galgudud.


The Kenyan military called reports that its warplanes struck a refugee camp in Jilib “Shabaab propaganda.” The UN said the African Union is now in control of Mogadishu. The Somali military claimed 25 Shabaab fighters have defected.


Kenya: Conflicting Claims Over Use of US Drones in Somalia


Shabaab claimed that an American known as Cabdi Salaam al Muhajir was one of two suicide bombers who attacked an African Union base in Mogadishu yesterday. Twelve Shabaab fighters were killed in Kenyan airstrikes in Jilib. Security forces detained 20 Shabaab fighters in Gedo.


African Union troops beat back a Shabaab suicide assault on a base in Mogadishu; two suicide bombers dressed as Somali troops were killed. Kenya’s top military leader said his country would stay in southern Somalia until the threat from Shabaab is gone.


Nine Shabaab fighters were killed as they ambushed Kenyan troops moving to Beles Qooqani. Shabaab claimed to have killed several Kenyan troops near Dhobley.

Al Qaeda

Somali Islamist militants call for ‘mujahideen trained by Osama’


Somalia, Libya, Uganda: US military increases focus on militant threats from Africa


Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali said Kenya has a right to pursue Shabaab in southern Somalia. Puntland welcomed Kenya’s invasion of the south to battle Shabaab.


Several Somali members of parliament welcomed Kenya’s invasion of the south. An American and a Dane, both aid workers, were kidnapped in Galkayo; they are thought to be held by pirates.

Al Qaeda

Who is “the Foreigner,” al-Qaida’s new aid emissary to Somalia?


Three people were killed during fighting between Somali and Shabaab forces in the village of Busar. A Somali solider killed a woman at a food distribution point in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” kidnapped an American and a Danish aid worker in northern Somalia.


France to help supply Kenyans fighting in Somalia


Kenyan forces have taken control of the towns of Oddo and Kolbio on the Afmadow front, killing eight Shabaab fighters. Shabaab bases in Kismayo have been hit with naval fire and airstrikes.


Shabaab killed one person in an IED attack in Mogadishu. The government presented four defected Shabaab fighters to the media.


Shabaab claimed its forces killed more than 100 African Union soldiers from Burundi during a clash in the Daynile district in Mogadishu; the corpses were displayed for the media. The African Union denied the claims as Shabaab propaganda.