Tag Archives: Somalia


Kenyan warplanes struck Shabaab camps in the Gedo region; no casualties were reported. Shabaab is suspected of murdering two boys in Mogadishu.


Shabaab killed 11 people in a bombing in Mogadishu. Two Shabaab fighters were killed in a premature detonation. The Kenyan Air Force killed a woman in a strike in Somalia near the border.


Shabaab claimed it attacked Kenyan warships with “high power speed boats” off the coast of Kismayo. Ethiopian troops were spotted moving towards Guriel.


The African Union said it repelled Shabaab attacks in several districts in Mogadishu. Ethiopia denied its military crossed the Somali frontier to battle Shabaab.


The Kenyan military said 28 Shabaab fighters and eight Kenyan soldiers have been killed during fighting in the south over the past several days; one soldier is listed as missing. Hundreds of Ethiopian troops were spotted crossing into Somalia.


Kenyan troops killed 12 Shabaab fighters and have advanced to the outskirts of Afmadow. Four civilians were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces in Mogadishu.


The African Union will work with Kenya to battle Shabaab. The deputy chairman of Kenya’s parliament said his country would not advance on Kismayo. Six people were killed in food riots in Mogadishu.


Two people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces in Mogadishu. Shabaab said Kenya “failed” in its attempt to secure the south.


The Kenyan military said Shabaab is no longer massing for attacks but is now using hit-and-run guerrilla tactics, including IEDs and ambushes. A large blast took place at a suspected Shabaab bomb factory in Hiran.


Somalia’s Shabab lures youths into suicide bomber training


Shabaab claimed it destroyed six Kenyan armored vehicles during fighting in Tabta and Dhobley in the south. Shabaab reportedly executed three civilians in the area as well.


Shabaab fighters paraded in the coastal town of Marka. A member of parliament was gunned down in Mogadishu.


Shabaab killed 17 people in bombings in the capital of Mogadishu. Shabaab is reported to have pulled down its flags from public places in Baidoa and Dinsoor.


CAIR Claims 2 Metro Somali Leaders are Anti-Muslim


Kenyan and Somali troops are conducting door-to-door searches in the southern towns and villages of Ras Kamboni, Mnarani, Burgavo, Tabda, Beles Qooqani, Dhobley, Busar, and Jilib in search of Shabaab. The Kenyan military claimed Shabaab has been cleared from 50 percent of the areas along the border.


Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Mohamud Ali Rage again threatened war with Kenya; Rage made the statement from a mosque in Daynile in Mogadishu. Two Shabaab fighters were killed during a clash with pirates in Harardhere.


The Kenyan Navy sunk another boat thought to be transporting Shabaab fighters off the coast of Ras Kamboni. Five people were killed after Shabaab forces clashed with fighters loyal to the local Shabelle Valley administration. A soldier was killed by “gunmen” in Mogadishu.


Kenya claimed it killed 18 Shabaab fighters as they transported fuel via boat to Kuday. Shabaab detained 10 people in Baidoa and accused them of spreading rumors that Eritrea was supplying weapons to the group.


The governor of Gedo said Somali troops killed 10 Shabaab fighters. Djibouti said it will send 850 soldiers to support the African Union mission in Somalia. Kenya is requesting the US help blockade the southern city of Kismayo.