Tag Archives: Somalia

Al Qaeda

Video: David Cameron warns world will ‘pay a price’ for ignoring Somalia


Shabaab withdrew from Baidoa after Ethiopian and Somali forces advanced on the city. The terror group also withdrew from Bardale. A Shabaab cleric said that “fathers and mothers must send their unmarried girls to fight alongside the (male) militants.”


Human Rights Watch said that Shabaab “has increasingly targeted children for recruitment, forced marriage, and rape, and attacked teachers and schools.” Puntland security forces detained five suspected Shabaab fighters in Galkayo.


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces on the road between Mogadishu and Afgoye. Kenyan warplanes struck Shabaab targets in the town of Xhwayo.


Shabaab warned Muslims “to stay away from the enemy bases in order to avoid being unintentional victims” of a newly announced terror campaign in Mogadishu. Somalia’s ambassador to Yemen claimed that more than 500 Shabaab fighters fled Somalia to join al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Shabaab suicide bombers to launch series of attacks in time with David Cameron conference


Shabaab claimed credit for Friday’s car bombing in a police compound; the terror group said the bombing “is part of a new series of attacks that will specifically target the Crusaders & TFG bases in the capital.” Shabaab has deployed hundreds of fighters to the outskirts of Mogadishu.

Al Qaeda

Fears of terror strike in heart of Somali capital after car bomb explodes


The Kenyan military killed four Shabaab fighters after being ambushed in Hawina. Shabaab shut down Koran classes in Jowhar and said they’d train the students themselves.


The Somali military said that 14 Shabaab fighters were killed during fighting in Garbaharay. The UN Security Council may vote next week to increase the number of African Union forces by 5,700, to reach 17,700 troops total. Refugees are fleeing the Afgoye area and African Union forces have deployed there.


The Somali military claimed it defeated Shabaab forces at the Afgoye control point near Mogadishu. A spokesman for Shabaab commander Sheikh Mohamed Saeed Atom claimed his forces killed 15 Puntland troops in Sugare north of Bosaso.


Shabaab held rallies in several cities to celebrate its merger with al Qaeda. Burundian troops have advanced to within two miles of Afgoye.


Puntland security forces captured Ahmed Saeed Mohamed, the brother of senior Shabaab leader and weapons smuggler Mohamed Saeed Atom. The spokesman for the Kenya Defence Forces said military operations have reduced Shabaab’s revenues by 75 percent.


Shabaab fighters attacked Kenyan and Somali troops in Busaar; 10 people are said to have been killed. Shabaab fighters and local militia clashed in Beledweyne; five people reportedly killing five people.

Al Qaeda

African Union Appeal for Mobilization to Defeat Al Qaeda in Somalia


The US is considering re-arming AMISOM after Shabaab’s merger with al Qaeda. AMISOM said that it would invest $4.5 million on projects in Mogadishu. Shabaab vowed to continue attacks in Mogadishu.