Tag Archives: Somalia


Shabaab forces deserted the city of Afgoye, which is just outside of Mogadishu, without a fight. Somali and African Union forces entered Afgoye yesterday afternoon. A Shabaab spokesman described the withdrawal as a tactical retreat.


Three civilians were killed in a blast at a mosque in Galkayo. Shabaab arrested khat traders in Afmadow. Somali and African Union forces are just two miles outside of the Shabaab stronghold of Afgoye.


The Kenya Defence Force said it would reach Kismayo next month. Gunmen killed a Turkish citizen and a Somali reporter for Shabelle in Mogadishu.


Somali and African Union troops are advancing on Afgoye, and are currently fighting Shabaab forces in Elasha-Biyaha. Shabaab claimed it assassinated the African Union’s “head of operations” for the Daynille district in Mogadishu.


Shabaab claimed it killed 27 Somali and African Union troops while repelling an assault in the Daynille district in Mogadishu. Somali and African Union troops captured the town of Sabyo north of Afgoye.


Eight people were killed in two bombings in the Bakara market in Mogadishu. Kenyan and Somali troops clashed with Shabaab in Taabta.


Omar Hammami released the first part of his autobiography, which detailed his path to jihad and fighting in Somalia. An Ethiopian general said his country’s forces would take control of Kismayo. A military tribunal in Hargeisa sentenced 17 people to death for killing three policemen.

Omar Hammami on drone strikes

The American jihadist commander in Somalia said US airstrikes do not impact Shabaab’s fight against the Somali government and have not caused rifts between “the global element of this Jihaad from the local element.”


Shabaab and government forces clashed in Garbaharey; two civilians were killed and Shabaab poisoned wells in the town. Three soldiers were killed after Somali troops fought amongst themselves.


Kenyan troops killed two businessmen in Taabta after their base cam under attack. “Gunmen” killed two people in Mogadishu and Baidoa.


EU Naval Force helicopters attacked a pirate base on land. Shabaab fighters reportedly abandoned bases in the Galgadud region. Ethiopian troops killed two civilians after getting hit in an IED attack.


Security forces captured Ali Bakaari, a Tanzanian national who is a senior Shabaab leader in Kismayo. The National Security Service detained a Shabaab fighter as he planted a bomb near Mogadishu.


Three civilians were killed in grenade attacks in Mogadishu. The government signed a memorandum of agreement with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.


The governor of Bakool said that the 17 Shabaab fighters killed yesterday were blocking supplies to Hudur and looting trucks. “Gunmen” killed two security officials in Puntland.


A Somali member of parliament claimed that 17 Shabaab fighters were killed during fighting in Hudur. Shabaab claimed its forces killed 10 Somali and Ethiopian troops in Bay and Bakool provinces.


Three Shabaab fighters died in two separate premature detonations while planting IEDs in Mogadishu. Shabaab arrested more than 100 tribal elders for attempting to travel to the capital to participate in the drafting of a constitution. The leader of Somali Religious Council called the draft constitution un-Islamic.


Nine people were killed using heavy fighting in Mogadishu. Security forces prevented a suicide attack and captured two suspected bombers at a checkpoint in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” killed a Somali soldier and an immigration official in the capital.


Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a and Shabaab forces clashed in El Bur. Shabaab attacked government troops in Beledweyne. Shabaab dismissed its commander in Afmadow and arrested 15 civilians for criminal activity.


Kenyan troops opened fire on Shabaab military camps in Qoqaani. Shabaab is recruiting students from schools in Kismayo. “Gunmen” killed a Somali journalist in Galkayo.

Bin Laden told Shabaab to hide al Qaeda ties

The letter from al Qaeda’s emir to Shabaab leader Sheikh Muhktar Abu Zubayr confirms an August 2010 report from LWJ that detailed al Qaeda’s instructions to downplay links between the two terror groups.


Shabaab arrested four businessmen and clan elders in Afgoye for links to the Somali government. AMISOM appointed a Ugandan general to lead forces in Somalia.