Tag Archives: Somalia


Ten people were killed after Shabaab forces ambushed an Ethiopian military convoy near Baidoa yesterday. The Jubaland state government in the south accused Kenya of backing warlords.


Heavy fighting between Ethiopian forces and Shabaab fighters erupted in the Bay region of southern Somalia. Shabaab fighters ambushed Somali National Army soldiers at a checkpoint near Garbaharey in Gedo province, and additional clashes were reported at the KM4 junction in Mogadishu.


Two people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed in Garbaharey. Uganda again threatened to withdraw from AMISOM and pull out its forces from Somalia.


“Gunmen” killed two people in Mogadishu. The United Nations Security Council rejected the African Union’s request to fund Kenyan naval operations off the coast of Somalia.


A car bomb was detonated near the parliament building in Mogadishu; one soldier was killed in the blast. Puntland security forces killed a Shabaab commander in Dhahar.


Security forces detained dozens of suspected Shabaab fighters during an operation in Mogadishu. US officials believe that Uganda will not withdraw its forces from Somalia.

Al Qaeda

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Prime Minister Shirdon has appointed the country’s first female foreign minister. The European Union has pledged to donate more than $200 million in security and education aid.


Two suicide bombers attacked a Mogadishu restaurant frequented by Somali expatriates. The attackers opened fire on security guards, killing one, before detonating their explosives. Somalia said Uganda’s threatened withdrawal from the AMISOM force poses risk at a “critical moment.”


A Uganda People’s Defence Force spokesman said more than 500 soldiers from Uganda and Burundi have been killed and wounded in Somalia; exact figures have not been provided. Security forces detained 300 suspected Shabaab fighters in Kismayo.


Security forces arrested several Shabaab fighters thought to be involved with the assassination of a general in Marka. The UN is opposed to lifting the arms embargo.


Shabaab killed four people in a hand grenade attack in Kismayo, and claimed it killed 38 Ethiopian soldiers in an IED attack in Owdinle. Three people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed near Baidoa.


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Warsame Shire Awale, a popular Somali poet who advocated against Shabaab, was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen near his Mogadishu home. Shabaab has killed more than 10 journalists so far this year.


Shabaab fighters attacked the home of the district commissioner for Bardale; one bodyguard was killed. Shabaab claimed it killed the intelligence chief for Daynile. A journalist who was wounded in an attack in Mogadishu last week died at a hospital.


Shabaab killed a Somali general in an ambush in El Waregow near the port city of Marka. Five Somali policemen were killed in a bombing at a police station in Kismayo. Five people were killed during clashes in lower Jubba between Kenyan and Somali forces.


How families on both sides of the law face tough choices in Somalia


Uganda threatened to withdraw from Somalia after the United Nations criticized the country for supporting the March 23 Movement, a rebel group fighting the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Uganda People’s Defence Force has 5,700 troops in Somalia, the largest AMISOM contingent.


The Ugandan military confirmed Shabaab’s claim that four of its soldiers were killed in an attack in Baidoa. Eight civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Leego.


One Somali soldier was killed during a firefight in Marka. Ugandan and Somali troops raided a Shabaab weapons depot in Albao. A Puntland court sentenced a Yemeni to death for smuggling weapons.


Another Somali journalist was gunned down; 16 Somali reporters have been killed so far this year. Kenyan troops captured a female Shabaab commander and 72 fighters in Kismayo. Police displayed four Shabaab assassins in Mogadishu.


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Shabaab killed four Ugandan soldiers in an ambush near Baidoa. Shabaab threatened to attack Britain over the extradition of Abu Hamza al Masri to the the US.


Kenyan warplanes bombed Shabaab forces as they gathered outside of Dhobley. Two bombings were reported in Kismayo. Shabaab claimed it killed “29 kuffar invaders” in attacks over the past five days.