Tag Archives: Somalia


Security forces in Puntland intercepted a shipment of supplies thought to be headed to Shabaab in the Galgala mountains. The defense minister cautioned troops against being undiscipiined and warned that courts would be established to prosecute offenders.


A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack in Mogadishu. Three bystanders were wounded in the attack, which targeted a Somali and African Union convoy.

Al Qaeda

Islamist extremist suspected after bomb found at Bonn rail station


Puntland security forces plan on attacking Shabaab strongholds in the Galgala mountains. Coca-Cola is reopening its factory in Mogadishu six years after closing due to insecurity.


Shabaab released a statement from its emir, Sheikh Abu Zubayr, which addressed Taliban leader Mullah Omar and al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri, and praised Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. In the message, Shabaab vowed to continue its fight and said the US has been defeated.


Somali Pirate Attacks Plummet in 2012


Somali and Afghan Union forces took control of Johwar after Shabaab abandoned the town without a fight. Somali and Djibouti forces launched a security sweep in Beledweyne.


Shabaab militants bombed a truck near Bossaso in Puntland and assaulted a military base, killing as many as 12 soldiers; over 400 Shabaab fighters are said to be holed up in the formerly peaceful region. Shabaab fighters ambushed a government convoy in Lower Shabelle, injuring four policemen. The Ahlu Sunnah militia formally joined the Somali […]


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Ugandan soldiers in an ambush that targeted Somalia’s interior minister in Marka. Ten Somali soldiers were killed but Minister Guled was not injured. Twenty Shabaab fighters escaped from a prison in Baidoa.

Boko Haram emir praises al Qaeda

Abubakar-Shekau.jpgAbubakar Shekau said he and his fighters support jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, and Mali.


Somali and Kenyan troops battled Shabaab forces as they advanced on Burdhubo. A Somali solider killed one person after opening fire on a bus in Mogadishu.


Four Somaliland soldiers and two members of a local militia were killed in Huddun after a clash over an election. Three people in Shalanbod were killed after Shabaab and government forces clashed. The government is dismantling illegal checkpoints in Mogadishu.


“Gunmen” executed a tribal elder in Beledweyne; he was appointed the head of the elders in Hiran last week. Shabaab detonated a large bomb against African Union forces.


Pakistan ranked ‘most dangerous place for journalists’ second year running


The Somali military killed a senior Shabaab commander and captured 16 fighters in Mogadishu, and detained 20 more fighters in Baidoa. “Gunmen” executed the chairman of the Bakara market traders group. The market has been a source of income for Shabaab.


Shabaab forces briefly took control of the town of Belad-Hawo; the military claimed 13 Shabaab fighters were killed in the counterattack. “Gunmen” attacked Kenyan troops in Kismayo.


Two Somali troops were killed as the soldiers clashed amongst themselves in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” killed a local businessman in Beledweyne; Shabaab is suspected of carrying out the attack.


Mock military operation in Ethiopia simulates all too real African conflict


One person was killed after Shabaab fighters attacked the home of a senior official in Kismayo. Security forces detained 20 armed Shabaab fighters during sweeps in Mogadishu.


Somali and African Union forces are advancing on Burhakabo; Shabaab fighters are said to be abandoning the town. The US deported Nuradin Abdi to Somalia. Abdi served a jail sentence for plotting to blow up a mall in Ohio.


Shabaab claimed it killed nine Ethiopian soldiers in Ghaneema in and six Ugandan troops near K50. Djiboutian soldiers arrested a government official in Beledweyne.


Somali security forces arrested two Shabaab leaders in Puntland. Abu Hafsa, allegedly Shabaab’s head of assassinations, and Abdirizak Hussein Tahlil, a Shabaab logistics officer, were arrested in Galkayo. The pair were in possession of suicide vests, explosives, grenades, and other explosive paraphernalia.


Shabaab called on Muslims to support the Palestinians against Israel after airstrikes killed Hamas’s military commander. The FBI added American citizen Omar Hammami to its list of most wanted.


The parliament approved the prime minister’s cabinet. Iran said it would open an embassy in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed to have killed dozens of Ugandan and Kenyan troops.