Tag Archives: Somalia


Police arrested the son of a senior politician in Somaliland. The son and a woman detained with him, both of whom are from Finland, are accused of supporting Shabaab attacks in Puntland. The president of Puntland accused Shabaab of last week’s murder of a senior cleric.


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed two people at a beach hotel in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed it killed five Ugandan soldiers in two ambushes in Jannaale


Sheikh Abdulkadir Nur Farah, the mufti of Puntland, was gunned down in a mosque in Garowe. Two suspects were captured; Shabaab is believed to be behind the assassination. The general in charge of the EU training mission said Mogadishu is not yet safe enough to serve as a base.


At Pentagon, ‘pivot to Asia’ becomes ‘shift to Africa’


Shabaab claimed it executed a captive Kenyan soldier, and gave 72 hours for the release of Islamists in Kenyan custody. Shabaab also claimed it killed 17 Puntland security personnel in the Golis Mountains.


An investigation reported that African Union troops who killed seven civilians, including five children, in January acted in self defense after being ambushed. Shabaab claimed to have killed an intelligence chief in Mogadishu and said that eight militiamen defected from the government in Qansaxdhere.


A suicide bomber killed four people in an attack that targeted a senior police official in Galkayo. Shabaab claimed credit for the attack and said that six “apostate troops” were killed.


Exclusive: U.N. monitors see arms reaching Somalia from Yemen, Iran


Have hired guns finally scuppered Somali pirates?


Shabaab claimed that 204 “apostate militia” members defected from the government in Qansaxdhere, Gedo, and Bay and Bakool over the past three months. Britain will deploy military advisers to Mogadishu.


Shabaab fighters ambushed an Ethiopian military convoy in Gedo; several Shabaab fighters and Ethiopian soldiers are reported to have been killed in the fighting. Shabaab killed two Ethiopian soldiers in an IED attack in Baidoa.


A Ugandan soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mogadishu. President Mohamud said he is prepared to negotiate with Shabaab if the al Qaeda group renounces its goal to overthrow the government.


Shabaab claimed that it killed 24 Ethiopian soldiers during attacks on outposts in and around Baidoa. The commander of the African Union forces said that Shabaab has been weakened militarily. The UN’s secretary-general said that the 21-year-old arms embargo should be reviewed.


Shabaab claimed credit for the Jan. 29 suicide attack outside of the prime minister’s home in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed that seven security officers, including three senior figures, were killed in the blast.


A witness claimed that six security personnel were killed in yesterday’s blast outside of the prime minister’s home in Mogadishu. The World Food Program began distributing aid in Kismayo for the first time in four years.


A suicide bomber killed two Somali security personnel in an attack near the prime minister’s home in Villa Somalia. A minister said that the suicide bomber was a former employee of the National Intelligence and Security Agency.

Al Qaeda

‘Darker Sides’: The Vast Islamist Sanctuary of ‘Sahelistan’


Twitter has banned Shabaab’s account, @HSMPress, after the group released a video threatening to kill Kenyans. The military detained several suspected Shabaab fighters during a raid on the village of Bayahow near Jowhar.


Shabaab released a video of two captured Kenyans. The al Qaeda affiliate said it would execute the Kenyans in three weeks if Kenya doesn’t release all prisoners.


CIA drone strikes will get pass in counterterrorism ‘playbook,’ officials say


A member of parliament accused AMISOM forces of massacring civilians in Leego. Gunmen murdered a reporter in Mogadishu. AMISOM said it would train Somali police in Djibouti.