Tag Archives: Somalia


The Ras Kamboni militia arrested the senior security chief in Kismayo. The African Union Mission in Somalia denied that it will replace Kenyan troops with soldiers from Sierra Leone.


A military court convicted a Shabaab operative of executing a Somalia journalist who worked for Radio Maanta in Mogadishu. Shabaab welcomed “our brothers” from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb who recently opened a Twitter account.


Somalian Minister on Domestic Security, War on Terrorism, Piracy, and Al-Qaeda


The African Union Mission in Somalia announced that the nearly 1,000 troops being deployed by Sierra Leone will be sent to bases in Kismayo, Baidoa, and Beledweyn. The cities have served as major Shabaab strongholds in the past.


Sierra Leone is deploying 850 soldiers to serve with the African Union Mission in Somalia. Shabaab urged “Muslims around the world to help their oppressed Muslim brothers & sisters in Myanmar in whatever way they can.”


Somalia’s intelligence chief was dismissed after being accused of “extrajudicial killings” of Somali men. Elders from the Hawiye clan accused the military of committing human rights violations. Shabaab claimed it attacked militia bases in Afmadow.


Ethiopian and Somali forces claimed to have retaken Hudur, the provincial capital of Bakool, from Shabaab. A female journalist was gunned down in Mogadishu. Two large blasts were heard at the Presidential Palace in Kismayo.


Somali troops fought amongst themselves in the town of Marka; five people are thought to have been killed. A human rights worker was gunned down in Mogadishu.


The US has posted $5 million rewards for American jihadists Jehad Mostafa and Omar Hammami. Mostafa is thought to have served as Ayman al Zawahiri’s emissary. AMISOM said it is “closely monitoring developments” in Hudur after Shabaab took the town following the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces.


Will $5M bring down tweeting, rapping US jihadi?


Shabaab retook control of Awdinle near Baidoa after seizing Hudur three days ago. The prime minister said the military would retake Hudur, but Ethiopia has indicated it would withdraw its forces.


President Hassan claimed Shabaab has been defeated and the group has morphed into a terrorist movement that attacks civilians. Shabaab claimed it retook control of Hudur after defeating Ethiopian forces.


A suicide bomber killed 10 people in a bombing near the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu. The suicide bomber detonated a car packed with explosives as senior security officials passed by.


Somali pirates release sailors as piracy reports reach five-year low


Somalia’s army chief vowed to free all areas of Somalia that remain under Shabaab control. Pirates freed two ships and released 48 hostages after reportedly receiving ransom payments.


The United Nations Security Council extended the African Union’s mandate in Somalia for one year. The UNSC also partially lifted the arms embargo on Somalia; government forces would be able to purchase light and medium weapons, but not “heavy weapons, such as surface-to-air missiles.”


Amnesty International urged the United Nations to maintain the arms embargo on Somalia, which has been in effect for 21 years. A military court in Puntland sentenced three Shabaab fighters to death by firing squad.


Shabaab emir Sheikh Abu Zubayr threatened to attack Kenya if it did not withdraw its forces from Somalia. “If you want peace, remove your military from the Muslim lands … you will not sleep safely in Nairobi and Mombasa as long as your military remains in the Islamic Administrations of Somalia,” he said.


A suicide bomber struck at a beachside cafe in Mogadishu; casualties are unknown. Shabaab claimed it killed nine “kuffars” in an attack in Janaale.


A court in Puntland sentenced Shabaab emir Sheikh Abu Zubayr (Godane) to death for an assassination in Bosasso. African Union and Somali troops took control of Burhakaba after Shabaab forces fled the town.


Eleven people were killed during tribal clashes in the former Shabaab-held city of Kismayo. African Union and Somali troops took control of two towns in Bay. Tens of thousands of Somalis protested against Shabaab in Garowe.


Six people were wounded in a grenade attack in the Bakara Market in Mogadishu. Shabaab commander Hassan Dahir Aweys denied any involvement in the killing of a prominent cleric in Puntland.


African Union and Somali forces battled Shabaab fighters in Janaale. Shabaab claimed it killed 25 “kuffar invaders” and lost three of its own fighters.


African Union troops secured the Johwar airport after Shabaab forces fled. Shabaab claimed it killed five members of a militia in Bardale and sentenced to death another militia fighter captured in Jilib.