Tag Archives: Somalia


A government official claimed that 12 Shabaab fighters were killed after clashing with a group of nomads in Beledweyne. Three Ethiopian soldiers were seriously wounded in an IED attack in Beledweyne.


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Ethiopian forces in Beledweyne. A Puntland court sentenced seven men to death for the murder of a prominent cleric. An AMISOM spokesman denied a UN claim that more than 3,000 soldiers were killed while battling Shabaab.


Shabaab claimed it killed seven Kenyan troops in Fahfahdhun and five African Union “crusaders” in Mogadishu. The military commander in Juba said that there are no government troops in the former Shabaab stronghold of Kismayo.


Security forces killed 13 Shabaab fighters while repelling assaults in the towns of Farwaley and Ara As. Four civilians were killed as Shabaab launched attacks in El Barde.


The parents of Shabaab’s emir and a top commander were detained by the authorities in Somaliland. Security forces detained two Shabaab propagandists in Baidoa. Two soldiers were killed in an internecine clash in Baidoa.


More than 3,000 African Union soldiers have been killed while fighting Shabaab since deploying in 2009; Uganda and Burundi have made up the bulk of AU forces over the years. Shabaab and a pro-government militia battled in Kismayo.


A suicide bomber killed eight people and wounded 25 more in an attack on an Interior Ministry convoy that was transporting a Qatari delegation. Shabaab claimed credit for the attack and another in the Daynille district in the capital.


Shabaab’s emir called for more “martyrdom operations” against the Somali government. The United Nations established the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNAMIS). Security forces detained 70 suspected Shabaab fighters in Beledweyne.


General Abas, the Somali military commander in the south, said the security situation in Kismayo is deteriorating. A female suicide bomber was captured while attempting to attack a Kenyan base in Kismayo.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Kenyan soldiers in Jannaale and eight more in Kismayo. Somali troops killed five Shabaab fighters after taking control of El Garas. The Puntland government executed 13 Shabaab fighters in Bosasso.


Shabaab fighters paraded in the coastal town of Barawe, which is currently under the al Qaeda group’s control. Last week, Shabaab assassinated Somalia’s deputy chief prosecutor in Mogadishu.


General Galal said that Somalia must adjust its strategy to combat Shabaab’s increasing use of guerilla warfare. American jihadist Omar Hammami claimed he was wounded by a would-be Shabaab assassin.


Illegal fishing crackdown in Somalia, 78 Iranians detained


Shabaab and Kenyan troops clashed in Dhobley; Shabaab claimed that it killed 12 Kenyan soldiers in the ambush. Another journalist was gunned down in Mogadishu. Ethiopia said it is preparing to withdraw all of its troops from Somalia.


Six people were killed as Shabaab and government forces clashed in Hudur. The government arrested six Shabaab fighters in Hiran and accused the terror group of killing a journalist in Mogadishu.


Shabaab claimed to have beheaded 127 “spies” who work for the government over the past four months. Shabaab also claimed that Dahabshiil, a money transfer business, is paying a $500,000 tax every six months. Two Shabaab factions clashed in the town of Bardera.


Shabaab claimed it killed two Djiboutian soldiers in an attack in Beledweyne and four militia fighters in Mogadishu. Somali officials said that a Canadian was among several foreign fighters who attacked a courthouse in the capital on April 14.


A Shabaab assault team dressed in Somali police uniforms attacked a court in Mogadishu after detonating bombs outside of the complex. Shabaab killed 13 people in the attack. Later, Shabaab killed one person in a bombing outside of a security headquarters int he capital.


Shabaab claimed to have killed six Kenyan soldiers in Tabta and militia fighters in Jannaale. Somali elders in the south accused the Kenyans of interfering in their internal affairs.


Shabaab claimed it killed five Ugandan and seven Somali troops in separate attacks in Lower Shabelle. Shabaab also publicly executed a woman in Hiran for “spying.” The government admitted its soldiers are involved in rapes of Somali women.


The Director of the Somali Islamic Scholars dodged an assassination attempt by a car bomb in Mogadishu. The state administration in Hiran said it would retake areas under Shabaab control.


The commander of AMISOM forces claimed that Shabaab has been “wiped out” along the highway that connects the capital of Mogadishu and Baidoa. Three people were wounded in a bombing in Afgoye.


The British Foreign Office issued an advisory warning that “terrorists are in the final stages of planning attacks in Mogadishu.” Suspected Shabaab militants detonated a bomb outside the headquarters of Somalia’s biggest bank in Mogadishu on April 2, after warning the bank to cease operations in areas under the terror group’s control.


The African Union killed a senior Shabaab commander who led forces in the Bay and Bakool region. African Union forces are replacing Ethiopian troops who have withdrawn from the Bay area.


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