Tag Archives: Somalia


Shabaab claimed it killed 13 Kenyan soldiers in an attack on an airbase in Kismayo. Ethiopian troops have withdrawn from bases in Baidoa and turned over security to African Union forces. The Kenyan government denied a UN report that claimed Kenyan troops exported charcoal from Kismayo despite a UNSC ban.


Exclusive – Kenyan peacekeepers aided illegal Somalia charcoal export


A Shabaab suicide car bomb killed at least three civilians when it exploded after targeting a convoy of African Union peacekeepers near the UN Development Programme base in Mogadishu. The blast destroyed nearby shops and damaged an AU vehicle. In a separate attack, insurgents threw a grenade into a downtown hotel, killing two people and […]


Somali American caught up in a shadowy Pentagon counterpropaganda campaign


A government official claimed that senior Shabaab leader Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansour is negotiating with the administration in Bakool after clashes there killed seven. Shabaab claimed it killed four Ugandan soldiers and that government troops are defecting.


The World Health Organization said that 71 people have been killed and more than 300 more have been wounded during recent fighting in Kismayo. Colonel Bare Hirale said he will retake Kismayo by force.


The government jailed Hassan Dahir Aweys and several tribal leaders after they flew to Mogadishu. Kenyan troops in Kismayo reportedly backed the Ras Kamboni militia in its fight against another militia led by Colonel Bare Hirale.


Shabaab fighters claimed to have killed two of their senior commanders: Abul Hamid Hashi Olhayi, a co-founder of the group; and Ibrahim Haji Jama Mead, a.k.a. al Afghani, who is wanted by the US. Top Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane allegedly ordered the arrest of al Afghani and a number of other commanders earlier this […]


Shabaab commander Hassan Dahir Aweys has not surrendered to the government and said he will not negotiate with the Somali government. Kenya troops arrested senior Somali officials in Kismayo.


Senior Shabaab leader Hassan Dahir Aweys was reportedly captured by pirates in Barawe. Another report indicates he will surrender to government officials and reconcile. Shabaab claimed it killed “14 enemy invaders and 23 apostate militia.”


A member of parliament was assassinated in Mogadishu. Shabaab attacked troops from Sierre Leone at their base in Taabto. The African Union has begun to train 100 Somali policemen.


Shabaab claimed it killed five “invaders from Sierra Leon” during an ambush on a convoy near Dhobley. Shabaab also claimed it killed five “apostates” in an attack on a base outside of Baidoa. The reports have not been confirmed.


Somali soldiers and a militia clashed in Kismayo; 14 fighters from both sides are reported to have been killed. Shabaab’s administrator for Bula Barde is said to have died after being wounded during fighting in the region.


Shabaab claimed it killed four Burundian troops in an ambush in Baidoa. Two people were killed in an IED attack that targeted a senior government official in Mogadishu.


Shabaab claimed it executed two “apostate” spies in Barawe; the men were identified as Ali Hussain Wiilow and Fuad Nuur Alasow. Gunmen executed a senior military commander in Hobyo.


Shabaab killed five civilians in Johwar; the group claimed it killed seven “apostates” in the town. Shabaab also claimed it killed 10 Sierra Leon troops near Dhobley. Security forces captured Shabaab commander Abdikafi Mohamed Ali in Puntland; one soldier was killed during the raid..


Shabaab claimed it overran a Ugandan military base outside of Mogadishu and killed 14 soldiers and captured the base commander. Shabaab also displayed two Kenyan hostages in the town of Idlib.


Ten people are thought to have been killed during clashes between Shabaab and African Union forces in Lower Shabelle. Security forces imposed a curfew and rounded up Shabaab suspects in Jowhar. Troops from Sierra Leone arrived in Mogadishu.


Shabaab forces attacked an Ethiopian and Somali base in El Berde, the only town in Bakool under government control. Shabaab claimed to have killed six Ugandan troops in Balidogle. A senior government official was gunned down in the former Shabaab stronghold of Jowhar.


Shabaab claimed it killed eight Kenyan soldiers and captured two more during a raid in Dhamajale. Heavy fighting was reported between Shabaab and government forces south of Dhobley.