Tag Archives: Somalia


New York case offers insight into secret war against Somali militants


Terror in Westgate mall: the full story of the attacks that devastated Kenya


Shabaab claimed that Western special operations forces launched a 2 a.m. raid in the Shabaab-controlled town of Barawe. Shabaab claims to have repelled the raid and one of its fighters were killed in the assault.


Terror in Westgate mall: the full story of the attacks that devastated Kenya


Puntland security forces attacked Shabaab “bases” in a village in the Golis Mountains, killing one fighter. Shabaab fighters again denied that a woman led or was even involved in the Westgate Mall attack in Kenya.


Officials Struggle With Tangled Web of Financing for Somali Militants

Zawahiri’s man in Shabaab’s ‘secret service’

In a July report warning of “new and more complex operations in Kenya,” the UN also identified an al Qaeda operative who has been entrusted by Ayman al Zawahiri to train Somalis and other African recruits. The operative, known as “Hassan,” has also reportedly trained Boko Haram fighters.


On the shifting frontlines of the fight against al-Shabaab


Poaching funds Somalia’s al Shabaab, activists say


Somalis in Minn. say youths still enticed to join terror group

Shabaab emir praises group’s assault on Kenya mall

Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubayr threatened further attacks in Kenya if its military is not withdrawn from southern Somalia. He also noted that the assault on the Westgate Mall was “just 10 days after the anniversary date of the blessed 911 operations.”


Before Kenya Attack, Rehearsals and Planting of Machine Guns


Samantha Lewthwaite: The quiet Home Counties girl who now tops the list of terrorism suspects


Kenya : How ‘white widow’ Samantha Lewthwaite has escaped anti-terror police traps all along


Israeli officials confirm sending experts team to advise on Kenya standoff

Shabaab suicide teams target civilians in assault on Kenyan mall

At least 59 people have been killed and over 150 wounded in the largest terrorist attack in Kenya since al Qaeda’s 1998 bombing of the US Embassy. The Shabaab assault teams singled out non-Muslims for execution. The attack is similar to Lashkar-e-Taiba’s assault on Mumbai in 2008.