Tag Archives: Somalia


Two Somali soldiers were killed in a landmine explosion outside of Mogadishu when their vehicle entered a minefield. Somali police and their Ugandan counterparts have signed a counter-terrorism agreement that includes joint equipment procurement and intelligence sharing.


Shabaab insurgents raided military facilities in Middle Shabelle on Tuesday night, stealing RPGs and anti-tank weapons. Ten government soldiers were killed in the attack. In Bay, government forces have arrested suspected Shabaab fighters in a security crackdown following the death of two Somali soldiers.


Djiboutian Forces have received 26 Land Cruisers from the US to help fight Shabaab in Beledweyne. Six army and police officers were killed in a Shabaab attack in Middle Shabelle. The federal government has confirmed the US military presence in Mogadishu.


Drop in sea piracy helped by big Somali improvement, says watchdog


Shabaab officer Abdullahi Dalas turned himself in to authorities in Lower Jubba. Government officials have downplayed Shabaab’s threats against using the Internet in Somalia.


Shabaab has warned residents of Mogadishu not to work for international aid organizations. The group also threated to attack US forces in Mogadishu, following reports that the US has a base at Mogadishu airport. A delegation of Somali parliamentarians visited their counterparts in Iran to extend bilateral ties.


Seven Somali soldiers were killed by Shabaab in an ambush outside the town of Afgoye near Mogadishu. The Kenyan army claimed to have killed 30 Shabaab militants, including senior leadership, in a strike at a Shabaab camp in Birta Dhere in the Gedo region.


Shabaab has forbidden the use of Internet through mobile handsets and fiber optic cables in Somalia. In a statement released on its Facebook page, it said that any firm or individual who does not comply will be seen to be working with the enemy.


According to Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, Somali troops will soon begin a large-scale assault on Shabaab bases in central and southern Somalia. Military supplies for Djiboutian AMISOM soldiers have arrived in Beledweyne.


Reports suggest a large number of Ethiopian troops have moved into Baidoa in Bay region. Somali officials have donated blood in an attempt to help victims of the Jazeera hotel attack.

2nd Shabaab attack on Mogadishu’s Jazeera hotel

Three bombs exploded within an hour of each other near a Mogadishu hotel popular with diplomats and soldiers. Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack, in which at least 11 people have been killed and 17 or more were wounded.


Six people were killed during a Shabaab suicide assault on the Jazeera hotel in Mogadishu. Shabaab detonated two car bombs outside the hotel, then two suicide bombers were gunned down before entering the hotel complex.


Lower Shabelle has experienced a wave of violence as Shabaab targets AMISOM and Somali troops with IEDs. The mayor of Galkayo in the Mudug region has accused Shabaab of carrying out an attack that wounded his deputy.


Mogadishu’s mayor has criticized the clan-based ‘4.5 system‘ that favors the four major tribes of Somalia, and he said that some elements within the security forces are “worse than Shabaab.” The Somali military will soon undertake more operations in and around the town of Beledweyne. Djibouti will contribute an additional battalion of troops to AMISOM. […]


Shabaab claimed responsibility for a remotely-detonated bomb attack in Mogadishu that killed at least 11 people, including six soldiers. In Gedo, one soldier and at least seven Shabaab militants were killed in Garbaharey after an attack on a military base. There were no incidences of Somali piracy in 2013.


A government official claimed seven Shabaab fighters and one Somali soldier were killed during clashes in the Garbaharey district in Gedo. Soldiers from Burundi reportedly detained dozens of Somalis during house to house searches in Mogadishu.


At least two people were killed in Bay during clashes between Shabaab and government forces. Shabaab’s new radio station in Dinsor is unpopular with locals. In Lower Shabelle, Shabaab has mediated a disagreement between two clans.


Shabaab has denied involvement in a recent attack that killed three Syrian doctors and three of their Somali counterparts. Somali forces will no longer decline to search foreigners, specifically Westerners and Caucasians, during security checks.


Fighting between two clan-based militias within the Somali Armed Forces has entered its fifth day, leaving at least 35 people dead, including 20 soldiers. At least two people have been killed in clashes between Shabaab and Somali forces in Wanlaweyn. Somalia’s defense minister promised that Shabaab will be eradicated in 2014.


Somali forces arrested 600 suspects in door-to-door sweeps in Baidoa following a Shabaab attack. At least seven people were killed in a Shabaab attack on a military base in Mogadishu. Shabaab briefly returned to Twitter nearly three months after the Westgate Mall assault.


Shabaab attacked Kenyan Defense Forces based at the Mogadishu airport. In Bay, Somali and Ethiopian troops have cleared Shabaab roadblocks. Twelve people were killed in Lower Shabelle as Somali troops turned on each other during an inter-clan argument over agricultural lands.


Shabaab militants attacked Somali federal government housing in Baidoa. Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed was appointed Prime Minister by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.