Tag Archives: Somalia


Airstrikes by Kenyan AU-force jets targeted Shabaab in Jilib in Middle Jubba yesterday. The Somali army claimed to have killed 17 militiamen during the army’s roadblock-clearing operation in Lower Shabelle in recent months.


Security forces in Baidoa arrested three suspected terrorists linked to a suicide bombing in the city on May 12 that killed 12 people and injured 20 more. The attack had targeted the convoy of the former governor of the Bay region. Shabaab militants targeted army bases in Gedo with RPGs. Shabaab awarded AK-47s and military […]


Hours after police defused a bomb planted in a lawmaker’s car, a Shabaab car bomb killed a top police officer in Mogadishu along with four other people. Gunmen killed four Jubaland soldiers in Kismayo. Puntland security forces captured 12 Shabaab members, including three women, in Bossaso last week. In Gedo, Ethiopian AMISOM troops detained a […]


Somali security forces claimed to have killed five of the 30 bodyguards of Abdullahi Dhere, Shabaab’s representative for the Bay region, during a raid in Kulan-Jareer in Bakool. Gunmen in military uniforms killed at least five civilians outside a mosque in Lower Shabelle.


Security forces reportedly killed and wounded two senior Shabaab leaders, Abdullahi Abukar Ali and Ahmed Mohamed Qeyr, during a raid in Mooro Gaabey; Ali was also the police chief for Mooro Gaabey. One Shabaab militant was killed in a clash in Beledweyne with Somali troops, who repelled an attempt to take over a police station. […]


Parliamentarian Abdelaziz Isaq Mursal was shot dead outside his home in Mogadishu by gunmen who drove away after the attack. Shabaab has claimed yesterday’s murder of MP Isaq Mohamed Riino in a car bombing. The governor of Nugal warned the media to avoid “disheartening reports.”


Parliamentarian Isaaq Mohamed Riino was killed when a bomb attached to his car detonated in Mogadishu; fellow MP Mohamed Ali Dhuuh and a bystander were injured by the blast, which was claimed by Shabaab. Four Somali soldiers and six militants were killed in a Shabaab ambush on a convoy in Bay on April 17. At […]


Two days after seizing Taleh district, Somali forces pulled out; Shabaab fighters were reportedly in the region, which is claimed by Puntland. In a suspected Shabaab attack, a bomb attached to a solar lamp post in Mogadishu killed at least one civilian and injured five on April 15. Uganda sent 400 troops to guard UN […]


During a five-hour battle that broke out when Shabaab militants attacked a convoy in Bakool carrying food for Ethiopian troops, at least 11 people were killed. The Somali military claimed to have killed “dozens of militants.” Residents reported that hundreds of soldiers are pursuing the Shabaab fighters in Bakool following the attack.


Two Kenyan aid workers kidnapped by Shabaab in 2011 were rescued yesterday outside Dhobley near the Kenyan border by AMISOM troops and Jubbaland forces. The UN said weapons-related casualties in Mogadishu increased 20% in recent months.


Norway – Hundreds of immigrant kids sent abroad to study


Kenya sends back ‘illegal’ Somalis after Nairobi raids

Al Qaeda

Anti-piracy Briton murdered in Somalia named as former Scotland Yard detective


A security guard at Puntland airport killed two UN officials, one French and the other British; Puntland’s president said the perpetrators are being held and investigated. The UN officials had planned to travel to Garowe to investigate the flow of money from pirate attacks. Authorities are looking for Mohamed Ali Saed and Kedir Ahmed Yusuf, […]

Al Hijra

Terror Leader Suspected of Recruiting White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite to Al Qaeda Shot Dead


Five Somali soldiers were killed and nine wounded when men dressed in military uniforms opened fire at an unauthorized checkpoint. Three Shabaab fighters were killed and another injured in a premature detonation in Galgaduud on April 4. The military said Shabaab attacked a base in Hiraan earlier this week on the outskirts of Bulobarde. Security […]


Targeting African Union and Somali commanders, Shabaab launched a complex assault on a hotel in Bulo Barde, killing at least six soldiers, including Col. Mohamud Amin, the Somali commander for Hiran. The attack began with a suicide car bombing. Attackers dressed in military uniforms reportedly killed 25 people, including Bulo Barde mayor Abdulkadir Nour and […]


A spokesman for African Union forces claimed they have taken Hudur, the capital of Bakool province, from Shabaab. A Shabaab spokesman rejected the claim, and said that AU forces were outside Hudur. Bakool authorities said 12 fighters from both sides died fighting last night in Teed, about 30 km from Hudur. In February, Shabab spokesman […]