Tag Archives: Somalia


The Islamic Courts are reported to be advancing north towards the southern part of Galkayo in Puntland. Fighting broke out in the southern town of Bardhere as the ICU attempted to establish control. The TFG claims to have evidence ‘foreign fighters’ are in Somalia, including Americans, Pakistanis, Afghanis and Indonesians. Kenyan Muslims “strongly condemn … […]


Terrorists look to Somalia as an emerging safe haven

The Somalia Showdown

All out war between the Islamic Courts and the Somali government is expected shortly; The ICU is also planning international terrorist attacks against the government’s foreign assets Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The ‘negotiations’ between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the Islamic Courts Union […]


US warns of Africa terror attacks from Somali ICU


Islamists claim 12 000 Ethiopian troops in Somalia


The Somalia government has refused to set a date to resume peace negotiations. Meanwhile, Islamic news agencies are lauding business opportunities in ICU-controlled Somalia. The ICU has now banned marriages performed without parental consent. The conflict threatens to grow into regional warfare.


The Islamic Courts are establishing a chapter in Puntland. The president of semi autonomous Puntland is rushing to the region to prevent the establishment of the courts. Anti-ICU protests broke out in central Somalia after the ICU executed six of Col Hirale’s captured militiamen.


U.N. Study: Foreign Troops In Somalia Raise War Risk


The Islamic Courts Union denied kidnapping members of the parliament transiting to Baidoa. Over 3,000 fighters have been enlisted by the ICU. Another town, Sakow in Middle Juba, has fallen to the ICU. Large ‘jihad’ demonstrations will be held across ICU held territory.


Aweys said the ICU is not about to attack Baidoa unless attacked first as the ICU cuts fuel supplies to the town. The Somaliland autonomous region is building up its military as talks ensue with the Ethiopians. Ethiopia warns the ICU that war is near.


African Union ready for Somalia mission, struggles in Darfur

The Impending Baidoa Showdown

The Islamic Courts and the transitional government are due to clash in central Somalia Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The showdown in the central Somali town of Baidoa, where the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has established its capital since the rise of the Islamic Courts, appears to […]


Ethiopia says “technically” at war with Somali Islamists


Somalia: Why Islamic Courts can’t win war against government


Ethiopia to fight if Somali Islamists attack govt


ICU leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys is encouraging Ethiopians to revolt. Unnamed ICU members are saying an attack on Baidoa is imminent. Over 6,000 Ethiopian troops are supporting the TFG and 2,000 Eritrian troops are supporting the ICU. The ICU may begin executing Ethiopian “spies,” ala the Taiban.


Somalia™s Islamist leader urges Ethiopians to revolt


Somalia: Islamists block key road between Mogadishu and Baidoa


Somalia: JVA militia commander may have been killed by Islamists


TFG troops take control of Burhakaba after clashing with the ICU, and possibly Ethiopian troops. In Jawil on the Ethiopian border, the ICU has set up shop. Women have been banned from swimming at the main beach in Mogadishu.


Somalia: Islamic Court Bans Women From Mogadishu Beach