Tag Archives: Somalia

Islamic Courts on the Offensive

Two more Ethiopian armored vehicles destroyed, ICU engages TFG outside Baidoa, captured border town Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The Islamic Courts Union, al Qaeda’s proxy organization in Somalia, is on the offensive against the Transitional Federal Government and supporting Ethiopian Army units. Over the weekend, ICU […]

Ethiopian Convoy Ambushed in Aweys’ “Greater Somalia”

Islamic Courts attacks an Ethiopian military convoy; Aweys calls for a “Greater Somalia” in the Horn of Africa ICU militiamen in a “technical.” Click image to view. The Islamic Courts Union has ambushed an Ethiopian military column of 80 vehicles, and killed 6 Ethiopian soldiers and wounded 20. The Islamic courts conducted a sophisticated attack […]


The Islamic Courts ambushed an Ethiopian convoy of 80 vehicles heading to Biadoa. Six soldiers were killed an 20 wounded after 2 vehicles were hit by IEDs, then a skirmish broke out. TFG President Yusuf urges 3,000 cadets training in Baidoa to defend their country. The ICU officially banned khat, and has shut down a […]


In Mogadishu, the Islamic Courts opened fire on a crowd protesting the banning of Khat. A 13 year old boy iwa killed and others are wounded. A curfew has been imposed in Mogadishu after the riots. U.S. Marines are conducting joint operations with the Kenyan military on the Somali border.

The Somali Jihad

CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck followed up his report on western Pakistan with a look at the other forgotten front in the Long War: Somalia. We’ve documented the rise of the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Union. Erick interviewed Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and me, as well Adam Hassan, a representative of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia Erick […]


Eritrean president assails US for stoking conflicts


Aways, the leader of the Islamic Courts, calls the UN report on foreign involvement “a fabrication.” Kofi Annan calls for neighboring countries to “stay out.” The ICU is burning khat, and the Somali Tobacco Company is burning its stock. The ICU arrested 22 smokers in Kismayo, “where they will be flogged if found guilty of […]


Iran has supplied the Islamic Courts with weapons and training, while ICU fighters fought with Hezbollah. Kenya has halted all flights to Somalia. More fighting is reported between the ICU and Puntland.

Puntland, Somalia Clash south of Galkayo; Iran’s Hand

Fighting breaks out in Puntland; Iran supplies weapons and other support to the Islamic Courts Islamic Court Militia cheers during the handing over of weapons by the rivall militia in Mogadishu, Thursday, July 13, 2006. (AP Photo / Mohamed Sheikh Nor.) Click image to view. The Islamic Courts Union and forces from the semi autonomous […]


US Official Offers a Bleak Assessment of Somalia


Somalia peace deal refused by the Transitional Government and labeled ‘irrelevant’


Puntland arrested 12 supporters of the Islamic Courts in Galkayo, a city just north of recent fighting between the ICU and Puntland forces. An ICU spokesman for central Somalia claims they will take Galkayo and regions north by force. Aways, Indhoaade and Sharif tout the capture of a pirated ship. The ICU has banned all […]

Islamic Courts, Puntland forces Battle in Central Somalia

Puntland takes a preemptive shot at the Islamic Courts units moving northward Map of Somalia. Islamic Courts advances in Red, recent clash in yellow. Click map to view. As the long awaited showdown in Baidoa between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the Islamic Courts drags on, the Islamic Courts have advanced northward towards […]


Kenya: Somali Islamists briefly detained after US warning


Egypt and Ethiopia to tackle Somalia™s problems


Somali Parliament Leader Meets With Islamist Leaders


The Islamic Courts are reported to be advancing north towards the southern part of Galkayo in Puntland. Fighting broke out in the southern town of Bardhere as the ICU attempted to establish control. The TFG claims to have evidence ‘foreign fighters’ are in Somalia, including Americans, Pakistanis, Afghanis and Indonesians. Kenyan Muslims “strongly condemn … […]


Terrorists look to Somalia as an emerging safe haven

The Somalia Showdown

All out war between the Islamic Courts and the Somali government is expected shortly; The ICU is also planning international terrorist attacks against the government’s foreign assets Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The ‘negotiations’ between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the Islamic Courts Union […]


US warns of Africa terror attacks from Somali ICU


Islamists claim 12 000 Ethiopian troops in Somalia


The Somalia government has refused to set a date to resume peace negotiations. Meanwhile, Islamic news agencies are lauding business opportunities in ICU-controlled Somalia. The ICU has now banned marriages performed without parental consent. The conflict threatens to grow into regional warfare.