Tag Archives: Somalia

Engaging the Islamic Courts at Ras Kamboni

Satelitte view (clouded) of the southeast corner of the Kenyan-Somali border. Click image to view. Ethiopian and Somali forces battling Islamic Courts remnants on the Kenyan border The Ethiopian armored column and Somali forces pushing southward since the fall of Mogadishu last week appear to have finally reached Ras Kamboni and are engaging a significant […]

The Rise & Fall of Somalia’s Islamic Courts: An Online History

The Somalia Battlefield December 25, 2006 to January 3, 2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Click the map for an animated view of the TFG and Ethiopian operations against the Islamic Courts from December 25 to January 3 The Islamic Courts […]


US on the alert for terrorists trying for escape by sea from Somalia


Ottawa confirms Canadian connection to Somali border arrests

Hunting the Islamic Courts on the Kenyan Border

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/29/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Islamic Courts spokesman claims its leaders are still in country Ethiopian armored an air formations continue to pursue the remnants of the Islamic Courts army that has fled the battlefield in […]


Ethiopian Troops Leave Security In Mogadishu to City’s Residents, Disarmament Order Is Roundly Ignored


Kenya has deported over 300 Somali refugees fleeing the conflict. Kenya transferred troops to guard the Kenyan-Somali border to prevent Islamic militants from entering the nation. The UIC vows to ‘rise from the ashes.’ UN World Food Programme begins to return to normal operations.


Ethiopian helicopters hit a Kenyan border post while firing on fleeing ICU forces. Two Ethiopian soldiers were killed in Jilib during an attack by an ICU fighter. The new Interior Minister calls for dissolving the Ethio-Somalia border and uniting the two country’s militaries.


(Somalia) From Marine to warlord: The strange journey of Hussein Farrah Aidid

Pursuing the Islamic Courts

The Somalia Battlefield on 1/2/2007 [No changes]. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Islamic Courts leadership unaccounted for; foreign fighters captured fleeing to Kenya After taking the southern port city of Kismayo, the news has dried up on the pursuit of the […]

The Islamic Courts Abandons Kismayo

The Somalia Battlefield on 1/1/2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Mutinies, defections in the Islamic Courts after a brief battle north of Kismayo Ethiopian forces quickly moved south to pursue the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts after taking Mogadishu last Friday. […]

Countdown to Kismayo

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/29/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. The Islamic Courts are massing in the south in Kismayo and Ras Kamboni; The Ethiopians are heading southward As the Ethiopian and Transitional Federal Government continue to consolidate their gains in […]

Martial Law in Somalia, Ethiopian forces mass south of Mogadishu

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/29/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Islamic Courts massing in Kismayo; ICU fighters to be pardoned; Ethiopians indicated they will stay The Ethiopian and Transitional Federal Government occupation of Mogadishu has begun. Shabelle notes that “over thousand […]


Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed vows to stay in Somalia. The TFG is in discussions with local clan leaders in Mogadishu for civil governance arrangements. Ethiopia pledges troop withdrawal from Somalia within weeks.


[UPDATE 2]Ibrahim Adow, an ICU foreign affairs official, is said to have flown to Kenya. Other leaders are said to have “fled to Djibouti, Eritrea, and other locations.” Some ICU leaders are believed to be in Kismayo, “distributing their weapons and their fighters among the clan elders.” Yemeni forces fired on 4 boats smuggling people […]

The Islamic Courts Abandons Mogadishu

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/28/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. ICU leaders flee to unknown location; Ethiopian and TFG troops enter the capital After less than two weeks of fighting against Ethiopian and Somali government forces, the al Qaeda backed Islamic […]


Somalia: Air Djibouti officer found dead in Kismayo


The ICU has abandoned Mogadishu, and Aweys and Sharif have resigned (more at the New York Times.) al Qaeda in Iraq urges Muslims to fight in Somalia. The UN has failed in its bid to broker a peace deal with warring factions.

The Fall of the Islamic Courts

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/27/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Aweys, Sharif, resign; the TFG and Ethiopian forces are on the outskirts of Mogadishu Nine days after the onset of open warfare between the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts and the […]


The Islamic Courts are retreating from strategic towns in south and central Somalia, and the Ethiopians are firing on retreating fighters. The UNSC is set to meet on Somalia today, while the African Union supports Ethiopian involvement.

Islamic Courts in Retreat in Somalia

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/26/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Ethiopian and TFG forces take Dinsoor, Burhakaba; ICU indicated it is planning an insurgency The Islamic Courts are in near-full retreat in central and southern Somalia after 8 days of fighting […]


Ethiopian planes bombed Balidogle military airfield and the Mogadishu airport. European Union condemned the escalation of conflict in Somalia. The Arab League called for Ethopia to remove all of its forces.

The TFG and Ethiopia Punch back in Somalia

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/25/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. The Islamic Courts has lost strategic territory as the Ethiopian Army and Transitional Federal Government marches towards Mogadishu After one full week of fighting between the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts […]