Tag Archives: Somalia


Kenya has detained the wives and families of al Qaeda operatives Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan while they ncrossed the Kenyan border at Ras Kamboni. Ethiopian and Somali troops are said to be heavily engaged with ICU forces outside Ras Kamboni. Al-Sudani, Mohammed and Nabhan are still alive. The Somali Deputy PM […]

U.S. Airstrikes Continue in Southern Somalia

(Jan. 8, 2007) – An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the “Wildcats” of Strike Fighter Squadron One Three One (VFA-131) lands aboard the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. Click image to view. Reports of al Qaeda operative Fazul Abdullah Mohammed have yet to be confirmed The U.S. is continuing to […]

U.S. Helicopters Pound al Qaeda Targets in Southern Somalia

U.S. conducts second overt strike in Somalia, USS Eisenhower on station Satellite map of southern Somalia. Click image to view. As we noted yesterday, the AC-130 gunship attack on al Qaeda leaders in Somalia, followed by the movement of the Eisenhower carrier group from the Persian Gulf region to the Somali coast, indicated the U.S. […]


Ethiopia versus the Islamists – What the US military has been up to in the Horn of Africa.


US intelligence quietly backed Ethiopia in war against Somalia

U.S. Gunship fires on al Qaeda Leader and Operative in Somalia

An AC-130 fires on wanted al Qaeda leader and a ringeader of the 1998 U.S. Embasy bombings in Kenya & Tanzania The United States forces of Combine Joint Task Force Horn of Africa based out of Djibouti have actively weighed in on the fighting in Somalia. CBS News reports an AC-130 gunship has struck at […]


Somali Journalist on the Union of Islamic Courts: ‘The Nightmare is Over’

The Battle of Ras Kamboni

The Somalia Battlefield December 25, 2006 to January 3, 2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Heavy casualties reported after days of fighting on the Kenyan border Just one day after a Somali military commander proclaimed military operations were over and Ras […]


A Somali commander said major military operations on the Kenyan border are over and Ras Kamboni is under Somali control. A protest broke out in Betelweyn after a Somali Army commander was arrested by Ethiopian forces for refuseding to turn over an Islamic Courts leader. Fighting in Mogadishu claimed one after a militia attacked an […]


Two ICU financiers were captured in Kenya. Seven Oromo Liberation Front Fighters from Ethiopian are being held in Kenya after crossing from Somalia, making the number of foreign fighters captured at 23. Senior ICU leaders are said to be in Yemen for talks. Violent protests in Mogadishu were organized by the ICU.

al Qaeda, Islamic Courts gather the new Somali Jihad

Zawahiri, Islamist Courts lay the groundwork for the insurgency While the Islamic Courts repeatedly denied any connection to al Qaeda, the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Hassan Dahir Aweys, the ‘spiritual leader’ (and in fact the operational leader) of the Islamic Courts is wanted by the U.S. government for his connections with al Qaeda. […]


The Somali Government and Ethiopian Army prepare to assault Ras Kamboni (also see our post from yesterday.) Three were killed when militias battled in Gandarshe, south of Mogadishu. The US has announced a $16 million humanitarian aide package for Somalia.


Interim Somali Government Tries to Stabilize Capital

Engaging the Islamic Courts at Ras Kamboni

Satelitte view (clouded) of the southeast corner of the Kenyan-Somali border. Click image to view. Ethiopian and Somali forces battling Islamic Courts remnants on the Kenyan border The Ethiopian armored column and Somali forces pushing southward since the fall of Mogadishu last week appear to have finally reached Ras Kamboni and are engaging a significant […]

The Rise & Fall of Somalia’s Islamic Courts: An Online History

The Somalia Battlefield December 25, 2006 to January 3, 2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Click the map for an animated view of the TFG and Ethiopian operations against the Islamic Courts from December 25 to January 3 The Islamic Courts […]


US on the alert for terrorists trying for escape by sea from Somalia


Ottawa confirms Canadian connection to Somali border arrests

Hunting the Islamic Courts on the Kenyan Border

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/29/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Islamic Courts spokesman claims its leaders are still in country Ethiopian armored an air formations continue to pursue the remnants of the Islamic Courts army that has fled the battlefield in […]


Ethiopian Troops Leave Security In Mogadishu to City’s Residents, Disarmament Order Is Roundly Ignored


Kenya has deported over 300 Somali refugees fleeing the conflict. Kenya transferred troops to guard the Kenyan-Somali border to prevent Islamic militants from entering the nation. The UIC vows to ‘rise from the ashes.’ UN World Food Programme begins to return to normal operations.


Ethiopian helicopters hit a Kenyan border post while firing on fleeing ICU forces. Two Ethiopian soldiers were killed in Jilib during an attack by an ICU fighter. The new Interior Minister calls for dissolving the Ethio-Somalia border and uniting the two country’s militaries.