Tag Archives: Somalia


The US has indicted an American for training and fighting along side al Qaeda and the islamic Courts in Somalia, and conspiring to use WMD [full indictment here]. In his latest speech Zawahiri supported terrorist attacks in Somalia and the continuation of the jihad.


Several Somalis were killed an wounded after the presidential compound was mortared, and stray rounds hit civilian neighborhoods. Islamists attacked the home of the commerce minister. A curfew has been put in place in Kismayo after a bomb atack yesterday. The parliament passed a new ant-terrorism law.


A grenade attack killed 4 and wounded 5, including senior military officers, during a celebration in Kismayo. Islamists bombed a police station in Mogadishu, wounding a policeman and several others. Twenty Somali Islamists, and 4 Britons have been deported from Kenya to Somalia, and have been charged with fighting besides the ICU.


The “Somali People™s Insurgence Movement,™ which supports the Islamic Courts, has claimed the responsibility for attacks in Mogadishu. Seven were killed and dozens wounded in mortar attacks in Mogadishu.


Friends of Somalia Brigades Reports Attacks on American and Ethiopian Targets, Somali Presidential Quarters


Somalia deported 39 Islamists, including the wife of Fazul Mohammed, to Ethiopia for interrogation. Yemeni newspapers claim the US is negotiating for the release of 15 US prisoners. Three Islamist insurgents were captured in Mogadishu, along with a huge cache of explosives, while 3 civilians were killed and 10 wounded during a wave of bombings […]


President Yusuf refuses to negotiate with the Islamic Courts. ICU leader Sharif Ahmed’s asylum in Yemen has been delayed. Islamists launched a mortar attack on the president’s home a daylight RPG attack on the Ambassador Hotel in Mogadishu.


No al Qaeda have been found in the aftermath of US airstrikes. Ayro is believed to have survived, and Aweys and Turki are believed to be operating along the Kenyan border. Yemen has granted Sharif Ahmed asylum. Government forces were ambushed in central Somalia. A reconciliation meeting was held in Mogadishu.

Somalia’s Islamist Courts regroup

The insurgency is taking shape, Sharif Ahmed is released, a new Islamic Courts video, and financing in Saudi Arabia established ICU fighters in propaganda video. Click photo to view. The Ethiopian and Somalia government’s rout of the Islamic Courts last December has been quickly countered by the Islamists with a deadly insurgency. In the latest […]


Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the ICU leader, has been released from Kenyan custody and is heading to Yemen. The Islamic Courts are believed to be regrouping in Saudi Arabia, Eritrea and Yemen. Islamists mortared the Mogadishu seaport. Three battalions of peacekeepers from Uganda and Nigeria will deploy shortly.


Somali govt jails suspected al Qaeda operatives™ wives


One soldier and 8 civilians were killed in fighting in Mogadishu. A police station was also attacked. The government is blaming the Islamic Courts for the violence. Foreign terrorists from Yemen, Jordan, Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Syria, Comoros, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Morocco and Somalia were arrested in Kenya. Yemen has detained 240 suspected Islamists fleeing Somalia.


Five were killed and 4 wounded during skirmishes in Mogadishu. Five Islamists, including an American and French national, were detained at the Kenyan border. Alsharq Alawsat reports American soldiers may be missing in the southern tip of Somalia. South African will not send troops.


US Won’t Rule out a Last-ditch Strike in Somalia


Ethiopian troops have begun to withdraw, and the TFG says the first AU peacekeepers will arrive by Friday. The US would like to talk to ICU leader Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. A US Air Force AC-130 gunship has launched a second air strike against suspected al Qaeda operatives in southern Somalia.


Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the former leader of the ICU, has surrendered to the Kenyan government. Ethiopian troops captured two Islamic Courts backers in a targeted raid. The commander of Ethiopian forces in central Somalia survived an ambush.


Americans captured in Somalia fighting for the ICU


The African Union approved a plan to send nine battalions of African peacekeeping troops to Somalia. Gunmen in Mogadishu attacked a convoy of Ethiopian troops. The president’s palace was unsuccessfully assaulted.

High Value Targets

Muhammad Hanif, in Afghan custody Senior Taliban, Abu Sayyaf detained, killed in Afghanistan and the Philippines; Islamic Courts leader possibly captured in Kenya, another killed in an airstrike; Pakistan on the hunt for al Qaeda leader Coalition forces have made some strides in degrading the leadership of the global Islamist movement. Two senior Taliban commanders […]


Kenya: Country Sends Ministers to Seek Troops for Somalia