Tag Archives: Somalia


The Pentagon transferred Abdullahi Sudi Arale, an al Qaeda operative who “played a leading role in Somalia’s Islamic Courts,” to Guantanamo Bay. The government arrested the leader of the powerful Hawiye tribe, which has supported the Islamic Courts.The TFG also ordered 3 radio stations to shut down.


A suicide car bomber attacked the Somali Prime Minister’s home; seven were killed. Another suicide car bomb was detonated near an Ethiopian Army base. “Unknown gunmen” killed 2 police and 5 civilians in the Bakara bazaar in Mogadishu. Puntland said the Islamists have been defeated.


The Puntland regional government said 12 Islamists, including 6 “British nationals, Americans, Swedish, Pakistanis and Yemenis” were killed in fighting over the past few days. The Islamic Courts killed the Somali intelligence chief in Kismayo. An Ethiopian patrol was hit in an IED attack in Mogadishu.

U.S. Naval Task Force strikes at 1998 al Qaeda Embassy bomber

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the intelligence chief for the Islamic Courts and other unnamed high value targets attacked in Puntland, Somalia Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Click to view. Six months after Ethiopia’s invasion of southern Somalia to oust the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts, the Transitional Federal Government, backed by Ethiopian armed forces and a small contingent […]


The U.S. Navy struck at an as yet unidentified target from off the coast of Somalia. Puntland forces clashed with Islamists off the Bargale coast after receiving a tip that about 35 “‘Islamist remnants™ including foreign al Qaeda linked operatives” were in the area. An Islamist boat was captured. “The foreign fighters include Yemenis, Afghans, […]


A policeman was killed south of Mogadishu. A double bomb blast targeting police forces north of the capital killed killed one. Ethiopian will leave several thousand troops in Somalia for the long term.


Prime Minister Gedi survived a IED attack on his convoy as he left the Mogadishu airport. A Somali soldier was shot and killed in the Bakara market in Mogadisu. Over 500 Somali recently trained police are prepared to take positions in the capital.


The Islamic Courts killed 5 Ugandan soldiers in a IED attack south of Mogadishu. A clan attacked a government delegation, killing 11, including 2 journalists. Ethiopia said the time to withdraw is approaching.


Somali police have set up a station near the Bakara market in Mogadishu, where several IED attacks have taken place. African Union troops have begun to de-mine the capital. Unidentified ‘gunmen’ have issued demands for 2 foreign CARE workers kidnapped in Puntland.


The Somali government dismissed the deputy prime minister and minister of defense for being “inactive in their governmental duties.” Four Somali security forces were killed in a roadside bombing south of Mogadishu.


Two were killed in 2 explosions in Mogadishu over the past 24 hours. The Somali government stated it has not ordered the burning of women’s veils. The Eu and Egypt are pressing for reconciliation between the government and Islamists.


Somalia police and soldiers have been ordered to seize veils as Islamic Courts fighters hav ebeen said to be hiding behind them. A bomb exploded in Mogadishu’s Baraka market, killing 1 and wounding dozens. A curfew has been imposed on the southern port city of Kismayo.


Ugandan troops stopped a suicide attack in the port of Mogadishu. A policeman was wounded in a roadside bomb blast. Ethiopian troops raided a weapons bazaar in the capital. The African Union promised to send 8,000 additional troops to Somalia.


An al-Ittihad al-Islami prisoner being held at Guantanamo Bay denied leading an al Qaeda cell. Ugandan troops are removing mines buried in the streets in Mogadishu. Schools have begun to reopen in the capitol.


Mozambique will not deploy peacekeepers to Somalia. Mogadishu businessmen begin to hand over weapons. The “time of terrorists is over,” said Mogadisu’s new mayor.


Somali jihadist vow to continue the fight. “We have changed the strategy of our struggle against the occupation to hit and run attacks on the enemy positions,” said a jihadi. Ugandan troops are patroling the streets of Mogadishu. Locals accused Somali troops of looting after the Mogadishu battles.


Somali and Ethiopian troops are patroling the Bakara market in Mogadishu, where Islamic Courts fighters once dominated the streets. Business owners have agreed to turn in their weapons.


War in the Horn – Islamist insurgents are not yet crushed


Somali PM Claims Mogadishu Victory; Fighting Continues Throughout Country


Looting breaks out during lull in Mogadishu fighting