Tag Archives: Shabaab

Somali al Qaeda leaders captured in last week’s raid?

Abu Mansur al Amriki (standing, background) at the Abu Suleim camp in Somalia. Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera has some interesting news on the covert raid conducted by US Special Forces, dubbed Celestial Balance, that targeted an al Qaeda leader in Southern Somalia on Sept. 14th. According to a local stringer for the newspaper, […]

Afghans accompanied Somalia al Qaeda leader

Nabhan fires a rifle in a videotape produced by al Qaeda’s media arm. Image by Nick Grace. Click to view. Daniele Raineri, an Italian journalist who writes for Il Foglio and a friend of The Long War Journal, passed along a tip about the commando raid that resulted in the death of Saleh Ali Saleh […]

Another American killed fighting for Shabaab

Image of a Shabaab fighter from the terror group’s website. The disturbing trend of US citizens being killed while fighting for al Qaeda-linked Shabaab in Somalia continues. From The Media Line, the fifth US citizen was killed during fighting in Mogadishu over the weekend: Al Shabaab fighters said Mohamed Hassan, a 21-year old American from […]

Shabaab on the offensive in Somalia

Shabaab and the allied Hizbul Islam are consolidating control of central and southern Somalia and are ousting Islamist forces loyal to President Sharif, their former ally.

Shabaab leader admits links to al Qaeda

The information minister for Shabaab in the southern Somali city of Kismayo welcomed Osama bin Laden’s call to remove Somalia’s new president and said the group would continue its links to al Qaeda.

Somalia’s rising tide of extremism

Four high-level US officials discussed the terrorist threat emanating from Somalia, as well as the Somali terrorist recruiting network on American soil, this week. The officials confirmed that al Qaeda and its allies are growing stronger by the day in East Africa.