Tag Archives: Shabaab

Is ‘constructive disengagement’ the solution in Somalia?

On Thursday, Joshua Foust published an article at PBS’s Need to Know that, though avoiding the term “constructive disengagement,” mirrors the arguments advanced by Bronwyn Bruton’s report for CFR, and those made by Fareed Zakaria in the wake of the bombings al Shabaab executed in Uganda. Though constructive disengagement is often advanced as a minor-league […]

Al Qaeda

Attack on Somali civilians sparks worries of militia’s growing boldness


Hotel Suicide Bomber Linked to al-Shabab’s Senior Leader


Where does Somalia’s Al Shabab suicide attack leave the government?

Shabaab: from Mogadishu to Minnesota

Since last year’s reports of “more than twenty” Somali youths from Minnesota going missing, all presumed to have been recruited to fight in Somalia alongside the al Qaeda-linked Shabaab, several new cases involving other Somali-Americans providing assistance to or attempting to join the terrorist organization have kept the counterterrorism community on edge. Indictments, superseding indictments, […]

Al Qaeda

In Kenya’s capital, Somali immigrant neighborhood is incubator for jihad

US indicts 14 people for supporting Shabaab

Just one day after a Chicago man was arrested for attempting to travel to Somalia to assist the al Qaeda-aligned terror group Shabaab, the FBI has unsealed four indictments announcing arrests and charges against more than a dozen Somali-Americans for raising funds for the group. Among those arrested are two women, Amina Farah and Hawo […]