Tag Archives: Shabaab

Shabaab executes deputy intel chief for ‘spying’ for US

Shabaab executed the group’s deputy intelligence chief yesterday after accusing him of spying for the US. Sunatimes.com has the story: Somalia’s extremist group of Al Shabaab has executed their intelligence chief’s deputy, accusing him of spying for FBI amid mounting disputes to suppress civilian harassments between the group’s leaders.. Ahmed Ali Hussein, known as Ahmed […]


Islamic terrorist organization recruits Norwegian Somali youths


Somalis are desperate for a new life, but refugees face a dangerous road

Shabaab’s leader traveled to UAE?

This is a rumor, but it still bears watching. Sunatimes reported that Shabaab’s spiritual leader, Sheikh Mukhtar Abdurahman Abu Zubeyr (AKA Ahmed Abdi Aw Mohamed Godane,) has traveled twice, via Kenya, to the UAE to visit his wife and family in Sharjah: The reclusive leader made unreported trips to United Arab Emirate to visit his […]

Shabaab’s military strength in Somalia

I missed this report from Sunatimes when it came out in November. According to Sunatimes, Shabaab officials claim to have more than 14,000 fighters under their command throughout Somalia. Among those are nearly 2,000 “Al-Qaeda foreign fighters.” The report has specific numbers, and breaks down the composition of Shabaab by region and clan affiliation: Quoting […]