Tag Archives: Shabaab


Omar Hammami, the American who is also known as Abu Mansoor al Amriki, spoke at a public rally in Afgoye for Osama bin Laden. Hammami vowed to avenge bin Laden and said the establishment of a global caliphate would come soon.


Omar Hammami, the American Shabaab military commander, released a nasheed glorifying death, and said he hoped to die as other senior al Qaeda leaders have died. Hammami’s tape refutes reports of his death from Somalia’s defense minister.


Somalia: Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a – We are ready to fight off al Shabaab

Aweys: Shabaab recruits ‘underage children to fight for us’

It isn’t every day that you get a terrorist leader to freely admit what an awful human he really is. Late last week, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, a Shabaab commander and Specially Designated Global Terrorist with links to al Qaeda, proudly told how his organization recruits children to wage jihad. From Garowe: “We recruit underage […]