Tag Archives: Shabaab

Al Qaeda

MI5 and police reduce UK terror threat from ‘severe’ to ‘substantial’


UN refugee agency warns of crisis ‘of unimaginable proportions’ in Somalia drought

Alleged Shabaab operative to stand trial in New York

A Somali man named Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame was transferred to New York where he will stand trial for allegedly providing material support to both Shabaab and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The unsealed indictment in his case follows a series of reports connecting Shabaab to AQAP.


Shabaab arrested 13 young men south of Mogadishu for watching pornographic videos on cell phones. Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a accused Shabaab of provoking intra-clan fighting in central Somalia.

Al Qaeda

US drone targets two leaders of Somali group allied with al-Qaeda, official says