Tag Archives: Shabaab


Kenyan minister George Saitoti’s death in helicopter crash fuels terrorism fears

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda Offshoot Offers Camels for Obama’s Head, Hens for Hillary Clinton’s


A photo of Omar Hammami, the American who has served as a commander, propagandist, and recruiter for Shabaab, has been released on the Internet. The photo shows Hammami with a copy of his autobiography, which was released last week.

Omar Hammami on drone strikes

The American jihadist commander in Somalia said US airstrikes do not impact Shabaab’s fight against the Somali government and have not caused rifts between “the global element of this Jihaad from the local element.”

Bin Laden told Shabaab to hide al Qaeda ties

The letter from al Qaeda’s emir to Shabaab leader Sheikh Muhktar Abu Zubayr confirms an August 2010 report from LWJ that detailed al Qaeda’s instructions to downplay links between the two terror groups.