Tag Archives: Shabaab

Al Qaeda

International Community: Much more needs to be done in Somalia after voting in new president

Al Qaeda

Kenya: Security tightened in churches after Mombasa attacks


In Somalia, a new parliament and a presidential election, but no votes for ordinary citizens


Drone operations over Somalia pose danger to air traffic, UN report says

Shabaab executes 3 alleged spies

Two of the men who were executed had allegedly “planted tracking devices” that led to the strike that killed al Qaeda leader Bilal al Berjawi and three other “Muhajireen.”

Detained UK suspect trained by Shabaab

An al Qaeda suspect detained in the UK after visiting the site of the Olympic Games was trained by and fought with Shabaab, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia. Leaked US government files show that Shabaab has sought to use its recruits in al Qaeda’s plots against the West.


Kenya: Death of Muslim preacher exposes the real face of terror