Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia convicts 18 of involvement in al Qaeda

The Riyadh Criminal Court sentenced 18 defendants today to prison terms of up to 27 years for involvement in al Qaeda. The day before, top Saudi al Qaeda strategist Faris al Zahrani was sentenced to death, and 15 of his associates were also convicted.

Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda strategist Faris al Zahrani, a.k.a. Abu Jandal al Azdi, was sentenced to death for charges including holding extremist views, killing Muslims and others, targeting security officials, and planning to overthrow Gulf monarchies. Zahrani, reportedly a top al Qaeda leader in Saudi Arabia, had defied rehabilitation efforts, vowing to continue terrorist activities if released. […]


Converging Interests May Lead to Cooperation Between Israel and Gulf States


Egypt army extends power by taking charge of Gulf aid

Saudi Arabia

Textbook Diplomacy: Why the State Department Shelved a Study on Incitement in Saudi Education Materials

Saudi jihadi recounts his time with ISIS

Suleiman al Sabi’ee, a 25-year-old Saudi who returned from fighting alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, described his time in Syria on Saudi TV earlier this month.

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced 13 men to prison terms of up to 14 years for supporting terrorism, training at al Qaeda bases, and recruiting for jihad abroad. Among the nine Saudis, two Jordanians, an Egyptian, and a Syrian, some had financed terrorism in Iraq. Saudi officials decided to stop issuing tourist visas, in order to keep […]

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry said it has designated the Muslim Brotherhood, the Al Nusrah Front, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham as terrorist organizations. Saudi authorities are becoming concerned that jihadists will return from Syria and continue terrorist activities. Also designated were Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen and a Saudi Hezbollah group. Three […]