Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

At a meeting of Gulf Cooperation Council defense ministers attended by the US Defense Secretary Hagel, Saudi Arabia’s defense minister called for more cooperation with the US in the face of rising regional security challenges, and warned against “hesitance and delay” in dealing with them. Hagel reiterated the US’ support, but also urged the Gulf […]


Christians persecuted at alarming rate in Iran, Arab world, US report says

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 62 persons accused of links to al Qaeda in Yemen and in Syria, where the suspects reportedly had ties with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The cell, made up of 59 Saudis, a Pakistani, a Yemeni, and a Palestinian, included 35 Saudi nationals who had […]


Saudi Arabia displays ballistic missiles for the first time

Saudi Arabia

Pakistan extradited two wanted individuals to Saudi Arabia: Adel Felayeh Salim Al-Eneizi, who was on the kingdom’s 2009 wanted list; and Muhammad Hamid Al-Juhani, who was on the 2011 wanted list of “extremely dangerous” al Qaeda-linked terrorists. Upon arrival in Riyadh on May 3 the two were given medical checkups and allowed to see their […]


Former US diplomat warns of possible ‘grave mistake’ in Syria


CIA’s resolve to track weapons complicates push to arm Syria rebels

Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities arrested two Saudi women who were attempting to cross into Yemen to join al Qaeda. Earlier this month, another Saudi woman, Arwa Baghdadi, also fled to Yemen to join her husband, imprisoned al Qaeda member Yassin Al Barakati. Last week the Special Court acquitted seven suspects accused of terrorism-related crimes including raising funds […]

Saudi Arabia

The Special Court in Riyadh sentenced three terrorists from the 85-member Turki al Dandani group to death, and handed out prison sentences ranging from two to 26 years to 40 others. Two days ago, five terrorists received death sentences for bombings in 2003.


Jordanian jihadis returning from Syria war rattle US-aligned kingdom

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Turkey said that although the grace period for returning jihadists expired on March 20, such fighters are still approaching Saudi embassies and asking for help in returning home. He also indicated they are still welcome to return, saying, “Our doors will always remain open for all Saudis coming from conflict regions […]