Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Embassy in London issued a statement refuting claims in the UK media that Saudi Arabia supports the Islamic State. Saudi Arabia has previously banned Islamic State predecessor ISIS, as well as the Al Nusrah Front, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Saudi branch of Hezbollah. In a recent interview, popular Saudi cleric Sheikh Mohammad […]

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced four al Qaeda supporters, one in absentia, to jail terms ranging from two to five-and-a-half years. The suspects had tried to travel to Iraq, and had also helped others travel “to fight in troubled nations.”

Saudi Arabia

Two militants blew themselves up inside a government building in the Sharurah area, near the Wadia border post in Yemen that was attacked by a group of al Qaeda fighters yesterday. The two militants had been surrounded by Saudi forces who were searching for the attackers, who had also killed a Saudi border patrol officer.


Allawi: US policy toward Iraq ‘without a compass’


Insight: Sectarian genie is out of the bottle from Syria to Iraq


US should launch targeted military strikes on ‘terrorist army’ ISIS, says General David Petraeus


Iraq’s Maliki defies call to reach out, accuses Saudis of ‘genocide’

Saudi Arabia

A Saudi court sentenced 33 of 71 people who were arrested in 2006 in Riyadh on suspicion of setting up a terrorist cell, handing down prison terms of up to 30 years. Some of those sentenced were also banned from travel after the conclusion of their prison terms. The status of the remaining 38 Islamist […]

United Kingdom

Trojan horse report: All school children to be taught British values from September, says UK Education Secretary

AQAP documents confiscated by Yemeni military

The Yemeni media reported today that documents confiscated during the southern offensive in Shabwa and Abyan provinces include communications between AQAP commander Jalal al Marqishi and a commander in Abyan’s Mahfad district.