Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Authorities arrested 88 members of a large al Qaeda cell that was reportedly planning assassinations in Saudi Arabia as well as other attacks both inside and outside the country; the suspects, all Saudis except for three Yemenis, had contacts with terror groups abroad, and 59 of the suspects had served previous jail terms for similar […]

Saudi Arabia

Police arrested eight people in Tamir who are suspected of recruiting for the Islamic State; among the suspects is a cleric and a teacher. The Special Criminal Court sentenced 12 people to jail for terrorism offenses, including plotting to bomb a US diplomatic mission, joining al Qaeda training camps in Yemen and Lebanon, and facilitating […]

Islamic State

Saudis Must Stop Exporting Extremism: ISIS Atrocities Started With Saudi Support for Salafist Hate

Al Qaeda

Saudi top cleric blasts Al Qaeda, Islamic State as ‘enemy No 1’ of Islam


UK prime minister: Our generational struggle against a poisonous ideology

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced four Saudi men to jail terms ranging from four months to nearly three years for traveling or attempting to travel to Syria to join terrorist groups; at least some of them were also found guilty of facilitating the travel of jihadist fighters to the conflict zones. Saudi officials are planning to develop […]


Islamic Militants in Iraq Are Widely Loathed, Yet Action to Curb Them Is Elusive


Arab Leaders, Viewing Hamas as Worse Than Israel, Stay Silent