Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia


Growing Iranian Regional Influence Worries Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Pakistan to play a pivotal role in Saudi strategy to build a strong Sunni block to counter Iran


Iran envoy Larijani visits Saudi for nuclear talks

Saudi Arabia

“After I saw… the manoeuvres by officials (in Madagascar)… I became convinced that the government of Madagascar sold Jamal™s fate to international intelligence services,™ said the brother of slain al Qaeda financier Mohammad Jamal Khalifa. A lawyer for the 10 detained for terror financing claimed the men are ‘reform activists,’ not terrorists.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has arrested 10 citizens for “carrying out illegal activities including collecting donations illegally … and sending them to suspected parties.” Seven were arrested in Jeddah, during a meeting. This occurred as reports of the Islamic Courts regrouping in the Kingdom surfaced.

Saudi Arabia

Kingdom voices concern at murder of national .. reportedly relative of Bin Laden

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, killed in Madagascar

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa. (CBS Photo). Click photo to view. Khalifa had an extensive history in funding, plotting al Qaeda terrorist activities; Task Force 145 likely scored the kill Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, one of Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-laws with deep roots in al Qaeda as a financier and facilitator, has been killed in his bedroom in […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is causing the price of oil to tumble, and fueling speculation the Iranians are the target of a price war. The Saudis warns Iran not to “interfere with our [Arab’s] affairs”.

Saudi Arabia

Lawyer works to expose Saudi legal system, takes on powerful enforcers of sharia law

Saudi Arabia

Fire fight breaks out as gunmen attempt to infiltrate Ruwais prison in Jeddah, leaving two policemen dead. An unknown number of al Qaeda operatives are reported to be held at the location. Riyadh claims that it arrested 136 militants last week that were preparing for attacks.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has arrested 139 foreign al Qaeda operatives over the past 2 months. Chad accuses rich Saudis and al Qaeda of funding the Janjaweed militias in Darfur, and Sudan of “sending mercenaries and others to attack the positions of our security forces.” The Saudis are working to counterbalance Iran’s rising influence in the Gulf […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia will build a fence along the Iraqi border. Two Saudi al Qaeda who escaped from prison in 2005 were killed in Iraq, according to a videotape honoring their deaths.

Saudi Arabia

Security has been stepped up at the Saudi Arabian Ras Tanura oil terminal, as well as at Bahrain facilities. Naval forces are on high alert in the gulf. al Qaeda is suspected plotting to destroy oil facilities in the region. al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia conducted strikes against the massive Abqaiq facility in March of […]

Saudi Arabia

Satirical Saudi show makes mockery of militants, draws fundamentalist ire

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is temporarily releasing all Guantanamo Bay returnees held in Saudi jails to spend the Muslim holy month of Ramadan with their families