Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

David Cameron challenges Saudi King Abdullah over extremist material in mosques

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Embassy Spokesmen Refutes Religious Textbooks Criticisms

Al Qaeda

Three More Saudis Named Terror Financiers by US Treasury

Al Qaeda

Iraq willing to hand over wanted detainees to Saudi Arabia

Al Qaeda

Jihad Rehab: Saudi Youth Enter Rehab to Overcome Their Terrorist Ways

Saudi Arabia

The U.S. is reported to be dismayed by Saudi Arabia’s “counterproductive role” in Iraq. The U.S. is also reported to be prepared to ink a $20 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia to counter Iran.

Saudi Arabia

Number of Saudi Insurgents in Iraq Greatly Exaggerated – Saudi Security Source

Saudi Arabia

Over 160 Saudis have been tried for terrorist activities in the Iraqi court system, and hundreds are still awaiting trial. “Many of them were killed in suicide operations and others are still being held in Iraqi prisons and detention camps, in addition to those killed during the past four years,” said Iraq’s national security advisor.

Saudi Arabia

Saudis make up almost half of the foreign fighters in Iraq. “About 45% of all foreign militants targeting U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians and security forces are from Saudi Arabia; 15% are from Syria and Lebanon; and 10% are from North Africa, according to official U.S. military figures” provided to the Los Angeles Times.